A stunning new development in the gaming world shows us that Xbox Series S users have the ability to play PlayStation 2 games on their system.

An overlooked feature that the new Xbox console had over Playstation was its backwards compatibility. However, Xbox Series S has taken things to a whole new level with gamers now emulating PS2 games successfully onto their Series S. It seems that Microsoft may have taken things an extra step forward with their “Developer Mode“. This mode gives players the ability to emulate Playstation 2 games on an Xbox console, something, that until now, was all but unheard of.

How To Emulate PS2 Games on the Xbox Series S

For a more detailed description on how to run these PS2 games, check out this video by Modern Vintage Gamer.

While I highly recommend that you watch the video in its entirety, the gist is that the Xbox Series S is an emulation beast! The mode will allow you to emulate old Playstation exclusives that many Xbox users did not get the chance to experience. Notable PlayStation exclusives that can be emulated include God of War and Shadow of the Colossus. There are undoubtedly some kinks to work out in “Developer Mode” but the groundwork is laid for a revolutionary change in gaming.

Modern Vintage Gamer made sure to explain that these games are far from polished builds, but they are certainly playable. He also made sure to warn that you will undoubtedly find a few bugs throughout your playtime so as of now the emulation process is not as smooth as we would like it. Still, it is safe to say that this emulation power sheds some new light on the impressive Xbox Series S.