Best Legends this. Highest pick rates that. No. We are here to put a spotlight on the picks in Apex Legends that make your rando teammates groan. The ones that make your friends say “really?” or “can you please play someone else?” Yes, we are talking about the worst Legends in Apex Legends.  Now, these are not the all-time worst, but rather the worst in their current places in the meta. Let’s take a look.

5. Gibraltar

So, maybe he isn’t the worst of the worst. But for a Legend that has been around since the beginning of the game, and a Legend that requires no unlock, he is definitely the worst of that lot. Wraith, Bloodhound, Pathfinder, Bangalore, and Lifeline are all substantially better than Gibraltar. He is still pickable and playable, but he just isn’t up to the standard Legend standard.

4. Revenant

It pains us to put Revenant on this list, as just a few seasons ago he was in a pretty strong place. The Death Totem Ultimate nerf that made the totem alert players when it was placed was absolutely brutal. The whole point of Revenant is to plan these cutthroat sneak attacks, and now unless you have the distance of a Gravity Cannon, an Ash or Octane Ultimate, or a Jump Tower, it’s difficult to pull off.

3. Rampart

She recently got a major buff, and we’ll be honest, she is good in Arenas. The issue is, in Battle Royale her abilities are just too sedentary. Even with her now-mobile Ultimate, so much of her set-up time goes to waste if you set up a defense point, and no other teams come to the location. They’ve tried to buff her time and time again, but she still doesn’t hold a candle to most of the Legends.

2. Mirage

Mirage has one of the best Passives in the game. He also has a pretty decent Ultimate. His Tactical, however, is completely useless in higher levels of play. No one is falling for it. The issue with Mirage: he would be better if developer Respawn leaned into Mirage’s Passive more, and made him a Support Legend instead of an Offense Legend. No matter how Respawn goes about it, though, his Tactical needs a buff.

1. Crypto

Here he is. The worst Legend in the game. By far. This man is useless. In a hero shooter, he is just a normal guy. Sure, he has his drone, but every single one of his abilities is related to his drone. When that thing is destroyed or on cooldown, he is literally a powerless character aside from his ability to use survey beacons. Crypto has needed a buff for such a long time, and it’s just never come.

For more Apex Legends content, check out All original Legends in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.