A hoax from earlier this year that dashed hopes of Fallout 4 news is back in the spotlight for Fallout fans, but this time around, The Survivor 2299 is being absolutely forthright with what it is. For Fallout fans that are patiently awaiting news of a next Fallout game, Survivor 2299 is a mod for Fallout 3.

The mod creator tempers Fallout 4 expectations this time around, taking to Reddit to explain the project.

“Don’t worry it’s nothing related to Fallout 4. We’re using it for the mod. Don’t get fooled twice. I didn’t release The Survivor 2299 fan-fiction yet because we’re making this mod, and I don’t want to spoil the fun. Finally we resolved all LOD and Height map bugs in geck so developing is much faster.”

The Surviror 2299 Hoax was uncovered in late-2013 as rumors continued to swirl about the next Fallout game. The good and the bad news of it all, is that following the hoax, Bethesda confirmed that they won’t be revealing any details about Fallout 4 for the foreseeable future.

Though smart money is still betting on Boston as the location for Fallout 4, release date undetermined.

  • This article was updated on February 21st, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / The Survivor returns, but not related to Fallout 4

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