Steam, the purveyor of many great games at both high and low prices. Whether you’re looking for your next big adventure, a small indie game to wind down the day, or perhaps something more specific, it’s your shop for PC games far and wide. With it so popular, Steam’s annual sale events are well known for being once a season and offering some staggering discounts. Hell, I’m excited for them every season with a pre-determined budget and a massive wishlist I wish to whittle down. As of today, it seems that trend is continuing. Steam has just launched their Winter Sale for 2021, featuring tons of games at some killer deals to help you give yourself or your friends gifts this Christmas season!

The 2021 Steam Winter Sale follows suit with plenty of other sales they’ve hosted in the past. Should this be your first Steam sale though, allow me to give you the rundown. In essence, 90% (not an exact amount) of the Steam catalog is on sale, with some games being at their strongest sale yet to draw in more customers. Heading over to the homepage lets your browse based on certain franchises, genres, or sale amounts to determine the best games for you given your budget. Alongside getting some great games, you can also enjoy a wealth of Steam Points (which can be earned out of sale too) that you can spend on customizing your profile and showing off to your friends!

As far as this sale goes, there’s a few games I could recommend based on your favorite genre. For all my FPS fans out there, DOOM 2016 and its sequel, DOOM Eternal, are some excellent pickups with fast-paced action at a pretty cheap price. Those craving more of an open-world adventure couldn’t go wrong with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, though those looking for some hidden open-world gems may enjoy something more focused like Cloudpunk or Descenders (I’m cheating with this one, but you’ll see why when you play it) as worthy pickups. Otherwise, puzzle fans looking for some hidden gems in this space may enjoy something like The Turing Test, The Pedestrian, or Skully.

So, what are you picking up from the sale? Anything exciting? Let me know!