Another day, another leak! It is starting to get hard to keep up with at this point. Today, the Steam Database Twitter account thinks they may have found some work in progress pics of what Steam could look like after its upcoming rework. The leak came from an update to the Chinese CSGo launcher.

For the most part, it all looks pretty familiar. The general color scheme remains, everything is laid out mainly as you would expect, and the list of games to the left-hand side is pretty standard. There are some noticeable changes, as there are now large thumbnails for your owned games, and dare I say it all looks a little bit Origin/Nvidia Experience in there.

A work in progress version of the new Steam client interface leaked through an update to the Chinese CSGO launcher. We’re currently digging through the changes, we’ll post more if we find anything noteworthy.

— Steam Database (@SteamDB) June 9, 2019

Everything seems a little bit better though, and even though I can’t sit here and move my mouse around it, it does imply a degree of ease concerning navigation, and I like the visual readability of thumbnails if I am honest with you. Back in January, Valve announced that Steam would be getting a redesign this year, and this may very well be our first peek at it.

For my money, it seems to be heading in the right direction. If you hope to see more of the redesign, then definitely follow Steam Database over on Twitter.