Sand Land, a manga published by Dragon Ball author Akira Toriyama in 2000, will be introduced to a new audience via the newly announced “Sand Land project”, Bandai Namco has confirmed. More information on the project will be provided on December 17, 2022.

What is Sand Land: What To Know About The New Project and Manga by Akira Toriyama

Sand Land is an original one-volume manga published by Dragon Ball author and illustrator Akira Toriyama on November 2, 2000, in Weekly Shonen Jump. It was serialized in Shonen Jump for a short time but has since earned worldwide popularity for its world and characters despite only having one volume.

The story for Sand Land follows the character of Beelzebub, the prince of the demons, as he journeys through a desert world where humans and demons alike struggle for the most valued resource: water. Alongside his allies, the prince finds a fabled lake oasis hidden in the desert.

The more detailed official description of the Sand Land manga reads as follows:

In a desert world where both demons and humans suffer from an extreme water shortage, Beelzebub, the prince of demons, and Rao, a small-town sheriff, form a tag-team and set off on an adventure in search of the Phantom Lake somewhere in the desert.

Both a website and a teaser trailer for the Sand Land project have been made to tease the new announcement. As of right now, nothing is known about what exactly the Sand Land project will entail, and more information is expected to be shared on the designated December 17, 2022 date.

However, considering Sand Land has only had one volume for the past 22 years now, it is possible that this new project may signal either a remake of the original manga or a continuation of the original story.