Based on the original Cartoon Network animated series created by Craig McCracken, Arrowverse creator Greg Berlanti is working on a project featuring adult versions of the three kindergarten-aged girls from the classic show.

The original animated superhero series, The Powerpuff Girls, from McCracken, aired on Cartoon Network for six seasons with 78 episodes from 1998-2005. It centered on Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers.

The pint-sized heroes made up of sugar, spice, everything nice and the mysterious Chemical X lived in in the fictional city of Townsville, USA with their father and creator, a scientist named Professor Utonium, and were frequently called upon by their city’s mayor to fight criminals using their powers. One of their prime nemeses was the talking, evil monkey Mojo Jojo.

The Powerpuff Girls Movie was released in 2002, followed by an Emmy-nominated reboot of the original series, starring Amanda Leighton, Kristen Li, and Natalie Palamides, premiered on Cartoon Network in 2016, with the most recent third season wrapping in 2019. The plot for the updated live-action revolves around the disillusioned crimefighting trio – now in their twenties- who resent having lost their childhood to being superheroes. Will they reunite when the world needs them most?

The script has been written by Diablo Cody (Juno, United States of Tara) and Heather Regnier (Veronica Mars), with Sarah Schechter and David Madden executive producing via Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros.Television producing. Cody has previously collaborated with Berlanti Prods. on Raised by Wolves, a single-camera comedy adaptation of the UK comedy series.