The gaming industry worldwide is reacting to one of the biggest global events in recent times. As Ukraine faces a Russian invasion, president Zevelensky has called on many to impose sanctions both in the form of blocks and literal site blackouts. As many have already done so to show their support, The Pokemon Company is also weighing in. While many publishers and developers have been moving to push direct proceed sales for Ukraine, TPC is taking the more direct approach. TPC has been known to issue support from time to time publicly, but it’s not always consistent. Yet, this is another instance of the gaming industry reaching people and pushing corporations to publicly support and donate to Ukraine. In a new tweet this morning, The Pokemon Company announced their support and pledged a $200,000 donation to Ukrainian relief.

Our hearts go out to the kids & families of Ukraine ??

— Pokémon (@Pokemon) March 3, 2022

Why Is The Pokemon Company Donating To Ukrainian Relief?

While the statement is brief, many will be quick to notice the timing of these statements. The main news of Ukraine asking for their support has been proved exceptionally useful. Yet, this is one of the many times that TPC has shown its support in quick donations like these. Many will remember the difficult social period in the early summer of 2020 in which many corporations also showed their support. The Ukraine donation isn’t the first from The Pokemon Company. 2020 saw many, and TPC was amongst them with 2 $100,000 donations to the NAACP and Black Lives Matter foundation respectively.

Similarly, Niantic, the creators of Pokemon GO, have also donated in the past. In fact, quite a lot in 2020 to pandemic relief as well as support for BLM. Thus, their history of raising awareness and donating to a cause they bring attention to is important and easily recognized.