As many know, there has been a petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2 post-trial. And while petitions often get some traction, this particular petition paints a clear picture. That picture is the world now sees Amber Heard as an abuser. While many people will say you need to separate the art from the artist, this case proves that can be easier said than done. The last thing anyone wants is for her to get more famous after this infamous abuse trial.

To sum it up, the story is relatively simple. Heard and Johnny Depp had a very tumultuous relationship. The word toxic comes to mind. But once the facts have been laid out, it does seem like one person here is more at fault than the other. That person being Heard. From verbal abuse to regular cases of her getting physical with him, the world has drawn its own conclusions.

So what now, you may ask?

Beach That Mermaid

The truth is, this petition came to light before the case. Anyone following the story before the trial was very much aware of the evidence. Society acted quickly and wrote up a petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2. And that petition got some traction pre-case, so you can imagine it got a lot post-case as well. And we mean a LOT.

As of right now, the petition is a few hundred thousand away from reaching its goal, meaning when it hits its goal of 4,500,000, it will be the ‘most-signed’ petition on all of Change.Org. And while her character may only have a rumored screen time of about ten minutes on Aquaman 2, people want none of it.

If she is truly capable of the things mentioned in the trial, separating the art from the artist here might be impossible for some here. Thankfully, the case is almost over, and all this will soon be behind us.

As for her? We just have to wait and see. Hard to predict the path of a human tornado.