We’ve got a full list of all of the perks in The Outer Worlds! Perks are incredibly useful and can give you big bonuses to specific stats and will increase your overall effectiveness. There are three tiers worth of perks, and you can access additional tiers by acquiring them.

The Outer World Perks List

Perks can give you big bonuses to specific aspects of the game. You can buff your health, increase your carrying capacity, increase your run/walk speed, and a whole lot more. You gain a perk every two levels, and can also earn them by accepting Flaws (which are listed below).

Tier One Perks

  • Toughness: +50% Base Health You’ve grown healthier in your time outside of stasis. Slow the World: +25% Tactical Time Dilation Meter Max Tactical Time Dilation lasts longer. Surely this is normal. Lone Wolf: +25% Damage when alone in party Sometimes you are the only person you can trust, and that’s ok. You deal increased damage when traveling alone. Strider: +25% Walk Speed Years of Adrena-Time use have left a permanent pep in your step. Cheetah: +20% Sprint Speed They’re not slow, you’re just fast. High Maintenance: -25% Weapon/Armor Durability Loss You take better care of your weapons and armor than most people. Precision: +15% Companion Crit Chance After some unsanctioned adjustments, the Workbench’s sight alignment tool is much more accurate. Resilient: +10 Base Armor Rating You have a base armor rating which adds to any armor you’re wearing. A Few Bits More: +100% Additional Ammo stock & Consumable stock on Vendors Vendors and Vending Machines have additional Ammo and Consumables available. Pack Mule: +50kg Carrying Capacity Increase your carrying capacity. Quick and the Dead: +50% Tactical Time Dilation Recharge Rate Your Tactical Time Dilation Meter recharges much faster. Traveler: Unlocks the ability to fast travel when encumbered You’ve become very efficient at transporting goods. Maybe you should have been born as a cargo hauler. All For One: +50% XP from Companion Kills Your companions have a lot to teach you about killing. The Negotiator: -25% Vendor Surcharges Being a shrewd negotiator may cost you some friends, but you make up for it in bits.

Tier Two Perks

You will need to have 5 perks added to unlock the ability to acquire the tier three perks.

  • You’ve grown healthier in your time outside of stasis.

  • Tactical Time Dilation lasts longer. Surely this is normal.

  • Sometimes you are the only person you can trust, and that’s ok. You deal increased damage when traveling alone.

  • Years of Adrena-Time use have left a permanent pep in your step.

  • They’re not slow, you’re just fast.

  • You take better care of your weapons and armor than most people.

  • After some unsanctioned adjustments, the Workbench’s sight alignment tool is much more accurate.

  • You have a base armor rating which adds to any armor you’re wearing.

  • Vendors and Vending Machines have additional Ammo and Consumables available.

  • Increase your carrying capacity.

  • Your Tactical Time Dilation Meter recharges much faster.

  • You’ve become very efficient at transporting goods. Maybe you should have been born as a cargo hauler.

  • Your companions have a lot to teach you about killing.

  • Being a shrewd negotiator may cost you some friends, but you make up for it in bits.

  • Run and Gun: -65% Movement Penalty to Accuracy Reduce the penalties to Accuracy while moving. The Reaper: +25% Tactical Time Dilation Meter Gain some Tactical Time Dilation when you kill an enemy. Weird Science: +50% Science Weapon Damage Increased damage dealt by Science weapons. Speed Demon: +25% Movement Speed during TTD Increase your movement and action speed when Tactical Time Dilation is active. Scanner: +20% Bonus to Extra Headshot / Weakspot Damage While using Tactical Time Dilation, you deal increased Weak Spot damage. The Collector: +5m to Interactable Highlight Range Increase the range at which all interactable objects around you highlight without requiring you to look directly at them. Snake Oil Salesman: +20% Vendor Buying Price You have a way of convincing vendors to pay you more Bits than they should. Soliloquy: +10 Dialog Skills Bonus to Dialog skills when you have no Companions in your party. Pack of Pack Mules: +40kg Carrying Capacity Bonus from Companions Increase the Carrying Capacity bonus from your Companions. Hoarder: -50% Consumable Weight Significantly reduces the Weight of Consumables. Harvester: 15% Health Restored per Kill Restore some Health whenever you kill an enemy. Rolling Thunder: -20% Companion Ability Cooldowns for each of your kills Killing an enemy reduces the remaining cooldown time of Companion Abilities. Tag Team: 25% Chance to reset a Companion Ability cooldown when using the other Companion’s Ability Using a Companion Ability has a chance to reset the other Companion’s ability cooldown. We Band of Brothers: 25% Chance to reset a Companion Ability cooldown on each Critical Hit When you critically hit a target, you have a chance of immediately resetting the cooldown of a companion ability.

Tier Three Perks

You will need to have 10 perks added to unlock the ability to acquire the tier three perks.

  • Reduce the penalties to Accuracy while moving.

  • Gain some Tactical Time Dilation when you kill an enemy.

  • Increased damage dealt by Science weapons.

  • Increase your movement and action speed when Tactical Time Dilation is active.

  • While using Tactical Time Dilation, you deal increased Weak Spot damage.

  • Increase the range at which all interactable objects around you highlight without requiring you to look directly at them.

  • You have a way of convincing vendors to pay you more Bits than they should.

  • Bonus to Dialog skills when you have no Companions in your party.

  • Increase the Carrying Capacity bonus from your Companions.

  • Significantly reduces the Weight of Consumables.

  • Restore some Health whenever you kill an enemy.

  • Killing an enemy reduces the remaining cooldown time of Companion Abilities.

  • Using a Companion Ability has a chance to reset the other Companion’s ability cooldown.

  • When you critically hit a target, you have a chance of immediately resetting the cooldown of a companion ability.

  • Wild Science: +50% science weapon damage Further increases the damage dealt by Science weapons (stacks with Weird Science) Boom, Headshot!: Headshot kills deal 25% of their damage to enemies within 2.5m Headshot kills explode, damaging nearby enemies. Steady Hand: -100% Steady Hand: Ranged Weapon Sway / -100% Movement Penalty to Accuracy After killing an enemy, your Weapon Sway and Accuracy penalties to moving are reduced to zero for a short time. Confidence: Confident: your next attack is a guaranteed Critical Hit. Killing an enemy makes your next shot a guaranteed Critical Hit. Don’t Go Dyin’ On Me: Revive Companions to 25% Health / Cooldown: 15m When you use the inhaler, any downed Companions are revived with a small amount of Health. Penetrating Shots: -10 Ranged Attacks inflict -1 Armor Rating for 10 seconds, and can stack up to Your ranged attacks reduce the target’s Armor Rating by 1 point per hit. This effect lasts a short time, and can stack multiple times. Armor Master: +10% Armor Rating Bonus / +100% Skill Bonus Increase the Armor Rating and Skill bonuses from any armor you wear. Last Stand: +30% Last Stand: Damage while under 25% Health When you are at low Health, you deal increased damage. Super Pack Mule: +100kg carrying capacity. Further increases your carrying capacity. Thick Skin: -15% Area of Effect Damage Received / -15% Plasma Danage Received All Area of Effect and Plasma damage dealt to you is reduced. Tit for Tat: +15% Melee Damage returned as Health A small amount of Melee damage you deal is returned as healing. Tactical Master: +70% Tactical Master: Movement Speed during TTD for 5s When you activate Tactical Time Dilation, you continue to move at normal speed for a short time. This effect only occurs when your TTD meter is full at the time of activation. Revenge: +20% Revenge: Damage Whenever you are affected by a harmful status effect, you deal increased damage. Solo Sneaker: -33% Detection Radius of Enemies Reduce the detection radius of enemies when you have no companions in your party.


  • Plasma Weakness: Plasma Damage Received +25% Cause: Getting burned too many times Getting burned too many times has made you susceptible to Plasma damage. Corrosive Weakness: Corrosion Damage Received +25% Cause: Getting burned too many times Suffering too many corrosive burns has made you weak against Corrosive damage. Paranoid: Personality Attributes -1 Cause: Repeatedly getting caught by guards in Restricted Areas Repeatedly getting caught by guards in Restricted Areas has made you jittery, doubly so when roaming around Restricted Areas or sneaking. Herpetophobia: Dexterity -1, Perception -1, Temperament -1 Cause: Repeated encounters with Mantisaurs After too many encounters with Mantipillars and Mantisaurs, you’re not quite yourself when any of the Manti-family of creatures are attacking your party.

  • Further increases the damage dealt by Science weapons (stacks with Weird Science)

  • Headshot kills explode, damaging nearby enemies.

  • After killing an enemy, your Weapon Sway and Accuracy penalties to moving are reduced to zero for a short time.

  • Killing an enemy makes your next shot a guaranteed Critical Hit.

  • When you use the inhaler, any downed Companions are revived with a small amount of Health.

  • Your ranged attacks reduce the target’s Armor Rating by 1 point per hit. This effect lasts a short time, and can stack multiple times.

  • Increase the Armor Rating and Skill bonuses from any armor you wear.

  • When you are at low Health, you deal increased damage.

  • Further increases your carrying capacity.

  • All Area of Effect and Plasma damage dealt to you is reduced.

  • A small amount of Melee damage you deal is returned as healing.

  • When you activate Tactical Time Dilation, you continue to move at normal speed for a short time. This effect only occurs when your TTD meter is full at the time of activation.

  • Whenever you are affected by a harmful status effect, you deal increased damage.

  • Reduce the detection radius of enemies when you have no companions in your party.

  • Cause: Getting burned too many times Getting burned too many times has made you susceptible to Plasma damage.

  • Cause: Getting burned too many times Suffering too many corrosive burns has made you weak against Corrosive damage.

  • Cause: Repeatedly getting caught by guards in Restricted Areas Repeatedly getting caught by guards in Restricted Areas has made you jittery, doubly so when roaming around Restricted Areas or sneaking.

  • Cause: Repeated encounters with Mantisaurs After too many encounters with Mantipillars and Mantisaurs, you’re not quite yourself when any of the Manti-family of creatures are attacking your party.