Fallout: New Vegas was a standout game in its own right and a developmental achievement. That game was made with very little time and while it was filled with bugs, fans consider the game some of the best Fallout has to offer. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it, and its solidified Obsidian as an incredibly solid developer. Since that project, the team has developed to titles. One of those is The Outer Worlds, an RPG in Fallout’s style. That game is one I enjoy, and soon more will have the chance to play it. Teased by the official Private Division account (Obsidian’s publisher), The Outer Worlds is coming to Steam at some time in October!

October is right around the corner! pic.twitter.com/c4Kb73YM6F

— Private Division (@PrivateDivision) September 2, 2020

The Outer Worlds follows the story of a passenger of the starship Hope, a transport ship lost on its trip to the Halcyon colony. Scientist Phineas Wells revives one of these passengers, leaving it up to them to discover how to move forward. They can try to assist the colony in rebuilding what’s been lost and throwing out the evil, they could help said evil to make corporate more powerful, or they can take out both. The choice is up to the said stranger, who brings several companions along for the ride. The only question now is, how will you play out your story?

While The Outer Worlds is just coming to Steam now, the game has been available through Game Pass and the Epic Games Store for PC. For nearly a year now, the game has only been available on PC through those platforms. Now, with the first DLC for The Outer Worlds approaching, Obsidian Entertainment is ready to bring the game to Steam. It’ll join Obsidian’s other recently released title, Grounded. We gave our impressions on the Early Access version and so far, the game looks promising. We’ll fill you in on how the game keeps that promise.

For now, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this news. Does The Outer Worlds coming to Steam excite you? Any other games you’re waiting for a Steam release on? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!