If you’re addicted to Apex Legends then you will no doubt be excited by the addition of a new weapon! You can now grab yourself a new energy based weapon called the Havoc Rifle! While energy weapons are powerful, they have one big knock on them and that’s the fact that it’s incredibly hard to find energy ammunition. With the addition of this new rifle, we’re hoping that the ammo will be more readily available.

It appears that the Havoc Rifle will share the same hop-up with the Devotion that eliminates the spin-up time and turns the thing into a super fast firing monster. The big different with this rifle though is that it gets the option of using the Selectfire Receiver. This has generally only been for the Prowler, but instead of swapping from burst to auto, it swaps from auto to a charged beam! This weapon should be pretty interesting, and I’ll be curious how good it will be once we get a chance to use it!


Name: Havoc Rifle

Type: Energy Weapon

Mode: Full-Auto/Hitscan beam


  • Turbocharger: Eliminates autofire spin-up time. Selectfire Receiver: Enables charge beam alt-fire mode.

Get your hands on this one before the other guy does – or remember to zig-zag.
