Title: The Mandalorian: “The Child” Review

Release Date: November 15th, 2019

Network: Disney Plus

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Western

(This review contains full spoilers for episode 2 of The Mandalorian)

Well, that was interesting. Episode 2, “The Child”, went in a direction I wasn’t expecting. I thought The Mandalorian would be quickly off this rock. Turns out, we were in for an entire second episode, still on said miserable rock. The thought of staying on this planet for episode two was one of boredom. I’m so glad I was wrong. We see our main character doing everything he can to protect his bounty. Also for the sake of my sanity and yours, we are going to call it Baby Yoda. And just for the record, he’s not Baby Yoda folks, simply of the same species. Now that we have that out of the way, how cute is Baby Yoda? Please don’t try to pretend like that it isn’t the cutest character to ever hit the Star Wars universe. Prove me wrong.

Empire Remnants Really Wants The Child

What was originally thought to be a mission that only Mando was hired for, turns out to be quite the opposite. First, there was the IG unit bounty hunter in the previous episode. Not even one minute into this episode he runs into a trio of almost Bossk-esque creatures. At first, I thought they lived on the planet until we see the tracker dropped by the last one that The Mandalorian disintegrates. It turns out, the remnants of the Empire hired a few guild members, maybe even more. Now we know as likely does our friend, there is something immensely important about this little one. 

It must be time to leave now. I’m kidding, it’s not. The episode is called “The Child.” It should have been called, “When Jawas Attack!”. The ensuing scene is not only comical but telling. After sniping a few Jawas from afar for taking almost every piece of the ship, the little hooligans all jump into what is the slowest but most tank-like of vehicles, the Sandcrawler. That thing can’t move well, but it protects. Watching The Mandalorian chase screaming Jawas and getting hit by everything imaginable was a moment I didn’t know I wanted. 

Neighborhood Kuill Saves The Day Again

As for what’s telling, our “hero” has confirmed he’s likely not the best in the galaxy. As of now, with his tools and ship, he almost feels like a lower budget Jango/Boba. His actions are telling as well. His attempt to get his parts back from the Jawas felt poorly executed. In addition, he doesn’t seem to have some of the best gear. I feel like the best wouldn’t have had their ship stripped in the first place. This is a great thing though. First off, we got this amazing scene and an episode filled with Jawas. Second, it means although he’s a badass, he has room for improvement. I look forward to watching him become the best of the best.

Another thing I thought was over, Kuill. The friendly neighborhood local that keeps saving our protagonist. Seriously though, without him, The Mandalorian would have nothing three times over. I’ll admit, I didn’t love this character in the first episode. “I have spoken,” is not exactly my favorite line. That said, this guy might be the kindest Star Wars character ever. I truly love his endless giving nature without asking for anything in return. If we all could be a little more like him (myself included), I can’t imagine what the world would be like. The episode creates another hilarious scene where Kuill, The Mandalorian, and Jawas sit around in a pow-wow. While not moments ago, he had literally just killed a few of them. Then, he tried to cook them. He’s not the best negotiator.

Jawas Are So Weird, I Love it

Next up, “The Child” confirmed something we all thought. Jawas are so incredibly weird, in the best way possible. Their laughs are the best. They’re like a little gang of school children out in the world laughing at bonks on the head and people failing. Even better, they send one of the best Bounty Hunters around to fetch an egg. I thought because they wanted to sell it. Instead, they simply wanted to feast on it like a pack of toddlers on a giant Cadbury egg.

The biggest reveal this episode was likely something most saw coming. We watched The Mandalorian get tossed around like a rag doll all over the mud bowl. Done so by what looked like an ugly Rhino. When it looked as though he had accepted his fate, something happened. Our little green friend was using the force to pick up this massive creature and hold him there. I would like to add that Baby Yoda held him there for a long time! Also, he’s a baby! With no force training! Gee, I wonder why the Empire wants it so bad?

Kuill and The Mandalorian have one of the best exchanges between two characters at the end of this episode. Full of nothing but mutual respect and admiration for one another. It’s finally time for them to part ways and I’m surprised that I’m sad to see Kuill go. Our hero, despite how good he is, feels like someone who could use some friends. I have a feeling that part is coming and it will be a welcomed addition to the show when it does.

Verdict: “The Child” was about ten minutes shorter than the first episode. Despite that, it was better than the first and had a great pace. It had everything. Heartfelt moments, cuteness, action, confirmed a theory, and more. I felt engaged and interested the entire time. It left me wanting more, which is always a good thing. I can’t wait for next week’s episode.

Tune back in on November 22nd when episode three lands on Disney+ and for the full release schedule, you can check it out here.

The Mandalorian: “The Child”

  • Funny in unexpected ways

  • The weirdness that is the Jawas

  • Kuill is the nicest guy ever

  • Baby Yoda in all his glory

  • No slow spots

  • The heartfelt moment at the end

  • Staying on the same planet for another episode (more of a nitpick at most)

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