Everyone pretty much knew that we wouldn’t see anything from The Legend of Zelda Wii U at E3, based on what Nintendo had said prior, but there was still a level of disappointment when that ended up being the case. The game was pushed back to 2016 awhile back and while some had gotten worried that it may be pushed back even further, Nintendo has dismissed any idea that it could be pushed back even further.

A few months ago saw The Legend of Zelda Wii U’s delay around the same time as the first mention of the Nintendo NX. This made people naturally begin to think that maybe it would be pushed back to release as a launch title on NX in what is likely to be 2017, either as a simultaneous release on Wii U or with that version scrapped all together.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime was interviewed by IGN following the Nintendo Digital Event on Tuesday and explained that they chose to leave The Legend of Zelda Wii U out of this year because they don’t believe in showing off something that is a “long term proposition.”

Fils-Aime was also asked if they were worried that not showing it might ward of potential Wii U buyers for fear it might not come out in 2016.

“No. I don’t believe that it sends that messages. In fact, in separate interviews [Shigeru] Miyamoto has reinforced that it’s a 2016 game, and I also believe he’s reinforced that it’s a Wii U game because I know that there is that thinking floating around.”

Fils-Aime reiterated that the key reason for leaving out the game was because it would caused more “frustration than benefit.”

  • This article was updated on July 30th, 2021

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Attack of the Fanboy / E3 / The Legend Of Zelda Wii U Is Still Coming In 2016

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