With the Steam Deck out in the wild, we’ve finally been able to see the full extent of the features supported by Valve’s handheld. While it launched without official Windows 10 driver support, that has already been released with Windows 11 drivers on the way. In another move to bring it closer to the PC experience, the latest Steam Deck update adds a 15 FPS cap option to the system front-end.

This may not seem like something a PC user would want, but it is crucial for a handheld device like the Steam Deck. When examining the system’s power delivery compared to the weaker Nintendo Switch, performance metrics must be considered for optimal battery life.

Cranking up visual settings and leaving the frame rate unlocked stresses the battery much more than employing a 30 FPS cap, for example. Every game has different demands and will stress the handheld to varying degrees, which is why it’s nice to see this cap as an option.

It’s not likely that you’ll want to play a game like God of War or Control at 15 FPS, but it might be worth digging into for turn-based games or visual novels. By limiting the frame rate cap, you should see an increase in the system’s battery life. Of course, as an option, no one is forcing you to use it if you aren’t willing to make that sacrifice. Being part of the PC ecosystem means you have the choice to tune performance the way you see fit.