Naughty Dog, the developer behind such beloved series as Jak and Daxter and Uncharted, has been hard at work on The Last of Us Part II, the sequel to 2013’s critically acclaimed The Last of Us. Recently, some staffing changes at Naughty Dog were announced, which include Neil Druckmann, the Writer and Creative Director of the first The Last of Us and Co-Writer and Creative Director of Part II, getting a promotion in the company.

In a recent announcement made by Evan Wells, the President of Naughty Dog, it was revealed that Druckmann has been promoted to Vice President of Naughty Dog. Druckmann will continue work on The Last of Us Part II as Creative Director as well. Additionally, Anthony Newman, formally a Lead Designer, will now be one of the Co-Game Directors on the new The Last of Us, alongside Kurt Margenau, who was also the Game Director for 2017’s Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Finally, Emilia Schatz and Richard Cambier were both promoted to Lead Designers.

It was announced during last year’s PSX that gameplay footage of The Last of Us Part II will finally be shown for the first time at this year’s E3. The game is expected to release in late 2018 or 2019.

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / The Last of Us Part II Writer, Director Gets Promotion

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