After the amazing E3 2018 PlayStation Showcase trailer, The Last of Us Part II is being displayed and explained to the press in private meetings with the development team of Naughty Dog in Los Angeles, California.

Lots of details are popping up on the Internet thanks to the interview with the team, and among the most interesting stuff, we can find particulars about who are those human enemies we’ve seen being beat up by Ellie in the demo.

These people are the Seraphites, a cult which has been established after the outbreak we’ve played through in the original The Last of Us, and which is hunting down Ellie for some reasons.

“The Seraphites are a more fanatical group, and they center their lives around faith and spirituality in a way that has become kind of fanatical and hostile and aggressive to outsiders,” the team told GamesRadar, in an interview.

They are very interesting characters as, on the map, they communicate with each other by whistling and spreading the word that Ellie is around with this system.

If you do it in time to kill a person before he or she is able to whistle, you’re good to go, which is different from the original game where it was enough for you to be noticed by one enemy and then the entire map revolted against you.

On top of that, as reported by IGN, Ellie is going to be the sole playable character in the game, which is something that could disappoint people waiting to learn more about where the hell is Joel and if we’ll be playing at least a portion of the game as him.

It’s possible that Naughty Dog is hiding something, anyway. The co-lead designer Richard Cambier commented that “we aren’t saying anything about that yet,” and then a moment later Neil Druckmann, the creative director confirmed the news, like he didn’t want to spark any speculation.

Finally, thanks via GamesRadar, we’re able to confirm the exact location of the E3 2018 demo, which was replicated by Sony for the first portion of its PlayStation Showcase. It’s indeed Jackson County, Wyoming.

For those of you who played the original The Last of Us, you’ll remember that that’s the place where Ellie and Joel arrive by the end of the game, finding shelter after they traveled – encountering some serious issues and dangers – across the United States. That’s five years after that event.

“They’re still having to corner off themselves from the infected threat,” co-game director Kurt Margeneau said. “The infected are still very much out there, we’re still going to be interacting with them and… there’s a sense of normalcy that Jackson has built for itself, because of the constant patrolling and clearing out of the infected around the area.”

The Last of Us Part II is releasing at some point for PlayStation 4.