Probably the most useful handheld console of the generation is still very hard to get. The Steam Deck has been a revelation for the gaming industry. A lot of AAA games can now be played on the go thanks to this device. However, getting ahold of one is very hard. Even if people are joking about God of War’s Christopher Judge extending his award speech to give players more Steam Decks, they are still scarce. But, for those who have one, there is good news. It seems that The Last of Us Part 1 will be Steam Deck compatible.

The Last of Us Part 1 Has Been Confirmed as Steam Deck compatible

The game’s director, through a Twitter post, has confirmed the game is coming to Valve’s new handheld console. This is amazing given how great the remake was on the PS5 and it is also coming to PC. We are still amazed at how many recent AAA games run on this console. Valve knocked it out of the park with the number of games that are verified for the Steam Deck. Titles such as Elden Ring or Cyberpunk 2077 are an example. And now, The Last of Us Part 1 also joins the Steam Deck family.

Ellie and Joel will grace the Steam Deck… don’t worry!

— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) December 10, 2022

The Last of Us Part 1: All Shiv Door Locations

It’d be great to see many more titles making their way to the console. Returnal was also announced for the PC, and given how heavy the system requirements are, it’d be great to play it on the Steam Deck instead, provided we can get our hands on one, of course. Still, it would seem that Valve is still working to verify many titles for the handheld platform. This keeps showing that companies can create small and powerful consoles if they want. We hope that Nintendo learns from this given the poor performance of the latest Pokémon games. The Steam Deck is truly a console to be reckoned with and The Last of Us Part 1 arriving on it is proof of that. The game launches on March 3, 2023.