This week’s Immortal X-Men #5 reveals the Eternals have sent the Hex to destroy all mutants. As part of the current Judgement Day event, the Eternals are determined to wipe out the mutants using any means necessary. This includes awakening one of the most powerful weapons in their arsenal.

Who Are The Hex?

After failing to destroy the Quiet Council of Krakoa using the Uni-Mind, the Eternals take drastic measures. They turn to one of their deadliest resources; the Hex. The Hex is a powerful force that has been deep in slumber for thousands of years. Per CBR, Judgment Day artist Valerio Schiti describes these forces as “very powerful beings.” He continues to describe them as “alive for millions of years, with different shapes and skills.” While they are definitely scary and “built to destroy,” they also contain personalities and feelings. We just cannot understand them. Their only purpose is to sleep and wait to be awoken for destruction.

Employing the Hex is just another way the Eternals have tried to kill mutants in the Judgement Day event. Previously, the immortal beings used Thanos’ grandfather, Uranos, to eliminate the mutant planet of Arakko. X-Men Red #5 shows the outcome of that attack.

Did They Succeed?

The issue, written by Kieron Gillen with art from Michele Bandini, sees Exodus rise to stop the Hex. The mutant attempts to put an end to the threat single-handedly. In a voice-over, Exodus remarks how amazed he was when he first saw the tall buildings of New York in the sky. According to him, it made Apocolypse’s tower seem like a shack. The mutant never thought anything could be so big. Now, six beings of such an enormous size are attacking Krakoa.

Unfortunately, the issue ends with Exodus rising to meet the Hex and using his mutant powers to attack them. We don’t see whether he was successful or if the Hex is too much, even for Exodus. For now, the fate of Krakoa and mutant kind is up in the air.