For many years now, gaming has slowly but surely been becoming a more unisex experience. While in the past it was often seen as something for men of a certain persuasion, today gaming is an experience enjoyed by all. In fact, go back a few years and you would probably find that some of the biggest people against the gaming scene are now some of its largest fans!

That is why the growth of gaming amongst a more mainstream audience is so good for gaming. In the past, it was seen as an underground niche that only attracted people who were really into fantasy, sci-fi, and shooting things. Now? Video gaming is one of the most diverse entertainment mediums around. From walking simulators to driving games, first-person shooters to grand strategy, games let us enjoy our lives in a way that we never could beforehand. Is it any wonder, then, that females are more interested in gaming than ever before?

And it makes sense – games today are far more universal in who their audience is for. While hardcore gamers might dislike no longer being pandered to and having their own private industry, this can only be a good thing. Today, it’s common for couples to play video games together; just as it is common for couples to go to a gig or the movies together. Gaming has become a past-time that everyone can enjoy.

Just as things like Marvel comics and Star Wars have become mainstream and outside of the ‘geek’ industry they once were so clearly a part of, today video gaming is a medium enjoyed by the jocks as much as by anyone else. The growth comes down to two things: availability and opportunity.

It’s not only video games, too

However, it’s vital to note that gaming is not something that only relates to video games alone. At least not anymore. Today, we can see gaming as so many different things – and chief among them is a way to win. And what better way to win than with bingo or casino gaming?

Many people, male or female, love bingo. Women especially love to play bingo however, sites such as have reported a sharp rise in female users. The social aspect of bingo tied in with the overall charm and speed of the game makes it a form of gambling-come-gaming that can feel so much more wholesome than, say, betting on a horse.

It’s why so many people choose to enjoy gaming today – both male and female. Indeed, even in the casino industry outside of bingo, there is a big jump in the number of ladies who are enjoying taking part. This is no longer an industry that feels so shut-off from itself. Video gaming has done a lot to transform the entire industry, and part of that stems from the fact that gaming is so accessible.

On our phones, on our laptops and PCs – even on our TVs. Whether you want to shoot a gun, drive a car, solve a crime, go on an adventure, or place a bet, you can enjoy it now. Whether you are male, female, or anything else, the stigma around gaming – in all of its forms – is well and truly gone.