Playstation 4

I’ll start with the company and console I know best.  I live in Japan, so I’m pretty much Playstation exclusive, mostly because I don’t have any other choice.  Maybe WiiU, but I’m biding my time.  But Sony’s next gen system is the only console where I can claim to make any sort of an educated guess.

At this point anything anyone reports about next gen game conosles is basically writing a FWAK page.  But it can be fun to let your imagination run wild, and sometimes take a wild stab at an educated guess.

I teach English in Japan and one of my former business students was an employee of Sony.  His name was Mr. Tsuchiya and he worked as a manager and engineer in the R&D section for Sony’s next gen Blu-ray project.  He never gave me any specifics on the details just that there would indeed be at least one more generation of optical data discs before memory storage went the way of flash drives and cloud computing.  CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray, and then something new.

When I left my last job, Mr. Tsuchiya had moved onto to next gen HD tech, sometimes called Super HD or 2K and 4K resolution.  We had some pretty coy conversations about Playstation 4, Orbis, and 2K and 4K resolution before I left.  He did point out the Super HD wouldn’t be meant for home TV use and only had commercial applications like for giant billboards at sports stadiums and such.

My prediction:  It will be called Playstation 4 (and not Orbis) and feature compatibility with next gen Blu-ray technology.  You’ll also be able to play in 2K and 4K resolution provided you have an IMAX screen in your living room!

Chosen Solution