The complexity of The Division 2 can be overwhelming at times, especially with the wide array of weapons and tech at the player’s disposal, opening up unlimited options for approaching each situation. Whether it’s an enemy control point or scripted mission, there’re tools for success.

In this article, we’re going to cover the pros and cons of the skill categories that can be unlocked at the White House using skill points earned through certain progression points in the main mission. These skill categories are varying tech abilities that have variants in nature, allowing the player to choose an offensive or defensive skill sets. But remember, only two of these skills can be equipped at one time, so knowing which skills to use in which situations will always help.

The Division 2: Skill Categories Pros and Cons


An offensive weapon by default that is attached to the player’s backpack until used, the drone hovers over the character until commanded to attack. The other variants include a defensive version that deflects enemy fire, another that drops bombs over a highlighted area, and a healing drone that repairs ally armor if playing in a squad.

  • Pros: If playing solo, the drone can add another source of gunfire, evening the playing field. It’s also a great distraction against elites. If players are having a hard time with a heavily armored enemy, the drone can focus their attention away from the player for a short while.
  • Cons: has a pretty significant cool-down timer once used and destroyed. Also, in later levels, the drone does not last as long as it does in earlier stages, so it eventually becomes more of a distraction than an enemy-killer. Although there are plenty of mods to put onto the drone, it doesn’t make up for the harder enemies that come along later.


Both offensive and defensive, the turret is a stationary version of the drone which sits in one spot and sprays machine-gun fire at enemies within a certain range. The other variants include a high-caliber single shot turret for longer range while the more defensive version sprays fire in a closer range to keep enemies from getting too close. Using both the turret and the drone as the two skills are a great combo when playing solo.

  • Pros: Like the drone, the turret adds another point of gunfire that makes one man seem like two. Unlike the drone, the turret acts as more of a defensive tool. When surrounded, placing the turret at one doorway will keep the enemies from making a flanking move (which they love to do).
  • Cons: Once the turret is placed, the player has to wait on the cool-down to break out the turret once again. This tool is only effective in defensive mission objectives.

Chem Launcher

One of the most helpful tools in the skills categories, the chem launcher can be both defensive, offensive, and used in squad-based scenarios. One variant deteriorates enemy armor, which is most effective against elites. Another variant heals allies for the squad scenarios. The riot control variant fires a goo that immobilizes enemies in their tracks, keeping them from getting too close. The final variant fires a flammable gas that can be triggered by shooting at it, setting anyone within range aflame.

  • Pros: A great weapon to use against large groups huddled together or elites, especially the one that deteriorates armor with time.
  • Cons: If not fired properly, the effects of the chem launcher can hurt the player. For example, if accidentally fired at the nearby wall instead of at a higher range, the armor deterioration will kill the player quickly. Being strategic and on-point with it is key.


This gadget gives player’s a tactical advantage just before combat begins, which can be the most important part of an interaction. The main version scans the enemies in the area and highlights them, giving the player an idea of numbers and where enemies are located. The other version scans on a loop, so it doesn’t stop at just one scan and keeps enemies highlighted, even during combat. The final version acts as an EMP, disabling nearby enemy electronics.

  • Pros: Gives the player an advantage before combat even starts.
  • Cons: It is neither offensive or defensive in taking down enemies outright.


Mostly for squad-based gameplay and dealings in the DZ, the hive is a tool that for healing and reviving allies, as well as distracting enemies. One version repairs ally armor while another revives downed allies. Another variant helps to boost ally stats while the final version fires of small drones that distract enemies for a short while, but does not have the killing power that other gadgets have.

  • Pros: It is excellent for squads needing a healer in their ranks.
  • Cons: It is not great for those in solo play.


This tool flies through the air like the drone, but with more nuanced abilities. For instance, the default is a blinder that incapacitates enemies for a short while. Another version detonates vulnerable positions where gas canisters are located, setting off an explosion and killing anyone nearby. The final version attaches explosives to two targets, and as those targets get close, the explosives detonate and kill anyone nearby.

  • Pros: A more creative and nuanced way to approach combat, keeping the gameplay fresh and new. It also gives the player a decent advantage in certain combat scenarios.
  • Cons: Not an active gadget like the drone or the turret that can take down enemies continually during combat.

Seeker Mine

An automatic grenade, the seeker mine does exactly what it says in the title – seeks. The default finds the nearest enemy and explodes. One variant springs up from the ground before exploding. Another breaks off into several mines and kills multiple enemies at once.

  • Pros: Great advantage against a large wave of enemy forces, especially the variant that breaks into multiples. Adds grenade to the player’s inventory essentially, but one that doesn’t have to be aimed properly.
  • Cons: Sometimes the mine isn’t as accurate in its kills, alerting the enemies rather than bringing them down.


A defensive measure that still allows the player to be offensive, the shield variants are nuanced in that the default covers the player significantly, but only allows pistol fire from behind it. The next variant is smaller but allows the player to use primary weapons. The final version deflects enemy fire back to them while defending the player’s health and armor integrity at the same time.

  • Pros: Great for tight situations where the player finds themselves surrounded. Can get them out of dire situations.
  • Cons: If surrounded, the shield isn’t as effective. Backing into a corner or a one-door room is the best way to use the shield effectively.