When you’ve completed Anthem’s campaign and reached pilot level 30, you want to start grinding the game to earn Masterwork and Legendary items. These items are the best of the best in the game, putting your Javelin on a brand new level of destruction. You’ll find these items work with all of the Javelins. However, there are some designed for a specific Javelin, such as elemental seals for the storm and assault launchers for the ranger.

You can’t acquire a Masterwork or Legendary that doesn’t work with the Javelin you’re using during the mission you loot it. While these items will always have their unique passives, the inscriptions on them are random for every drop. If you don’t like the stats on one of these gear pieces, you might find one that suits your playstyle in the future.

Anthem: Masterwork and Legendary Items

Here’s our massive list showing these items, and detailing their individual effects.


  • Divine Vengence: After hitting an enemy’s weak spot three times, this weapon creates a fiery explosion.

  • Elemental Rage: Whenever you damage an enemy with this weapon your elemental damage increases by five percent for 10 seconds. You can stack this effect 20 times, and the foe must be an Elite type or better.

  • Ralner’s Blaze: After five shots your weapon can light your enemies on fire.

  • Endless Siege: This weapon does twice as much damage and holds twice as much ammunition than the original model of this gun.

  • Fist of Stral: Every shot you fire does more damage than the previous one.

  • The Last Stand: When you reach low health this weapon’s damage increases by 75 percent for 10 seconds.

  • Balm of Gavinicus: Restore 25 percent of your Javelin’s armor after hitting two enemies.

  • Sentinel’s Vengeance: Your grenades create acid splashes after a kill streak.

  • Insult and Injury: After you kill an enemy, you clear your Javelin of any adverse status effect, and your resistances are boosted by 75 percent for 10 seconds.

  • Avenging Herald: Deal 200 percent more damage while hovering.

  • Close Encounter: Increase all weapon damage by 75 percent for 10 seconds after dashing.

  • Glorious Result: Hit an enemy’s weak point twice to increase all weapon damage by 150 percent.

  • Cycle of Pain: After you hit an enemy’s weak spot, this weapon’s fire speed increases by 10 percent for 10 seconds. You can stack this effect ten times.

  • Artinia’s Gambit: While reloading, your weapon detonates a combo explosion in your area.

  • Renewed Courage: The last shot reduces the gun’s recoil by 50 percent for 20 seconds. You can stack this effect two times.

  • Retaliation of Garretus: When you reach critical health, your weapon damage increases by 125 percent for 10 seconds.

  • Unending Battle: While attacking at point-blank range your weapon and melee damage increases by 110 percent for five seconds.

  • Vassa’s Surprise: When you melee an opponent, your ammo gets replenished by 25 percent.

  • Thunderbolt of Yvenia: When you fire a shot, you have a 33 percent chance to land a devastating electrical attack at your enemy.

  • Soothing Touch: While shooting at enemies, your weapon’s recoil is reduced by 50 percent for five seconds. This effect can stack up to three times.

  • Death From Above: Hitting an enemy’s weak spot while you’re hovering increases this weapon’s damage by 65 percent.

  • Radiant Fortress: Shooting an enemy with this weapon partially restores your Javelin’s shields.

  • Rolling Carnage: After you dash, weapon damage is increased by 50 percent for 20 seconds. You can stack this effect three times.

  • Papa Pump: After you reload this weapon, it receives a 150 percent bonus damage for five seconds and knocks any foe hit by it further back. You can stack this effect two times.

  • Truth of Tarsis: Hitting the weak spot of an enemy while they have a status condition causes an explosive chain combo, damaging new foes around your target.

  • Siege Breaker: After hitting an enemy three times in a row, it freezes, if the foe’s shields are down.

  • Wyvern Blitz: Increase this weapon’s weak spot damage by 40 percent by firing it and having your Javelin hover.

Storm Exclusive

  • Ten Thousand Suns: Whenever you hit an enemy you dish out 5 percent additional damage for five seconds. You can stack this 20 times.

  • Black Ice: Whenever you kill an enemy with this ability, nearby foes freeze unless they have a shield.

  • Chaotic Rime: Whenever you freeze an enemy, your Blast Seal’s damage is increased by 125 percent for 20 seconds.

  • Seal of the Open Mind: While hovering and you strike an enemy with this ability, you reset this ability’s cooldown. You can only do this every five seconds.

  • Statis Chain: When you hit a foe with an arc burst, the blast now creases an electrified explosion.

  • Winter’s Wrath: Whenever you kill an enemy while hovering using this ability, it resets the Blast Seals’ cooldown. You can only do this every 10 seconds.

  • Binary Star: You now launch two living flame attacks, instead of one.

  • Hailstorm’s Renewal: While hovering and you kill an enemy using this Blast Seal, you restore 75 percent of your shield.

  • Ponder infinity: While hovering, all electrical damage you do is increased by 60 percent.

  • Amulet of Winter: When you hit an enemy with an ice-based attack, your weapon damage is increased by 20 percent for 20 seconds.

  • Mark of Wrath: While your Focus Seal is on cooldown, your Blast Seal’s damage is increased by 50 percent.

  • Gunslinger’s Mark: Your weak spot damage is increased by 60 percent.

  • Mark of Clarity: Whenever you clear a status effect, you heal for 20 percent of your health. You can only do this every 10 seconds.

  • Token of the Master: When you hurt an enemy with a Focus Seal attack, this increases the damage of your Blast Seal by 60 percent for five seconds.

  • Tome of Precision: After you kill an enemy by hitting their weak spot by using a sniper rifle, your electrical attack damage is increased by 60 percent for five seconds.

Ranger Exclusives

  • Avenger’s Boon: After you attack an enemy your melee damage is increased by 110 percent for 20 seconds.

  • Ember’s Lance: Whenever you hit three or more enemies with this ability, your attack causes a small explosion.

  • Argo’s Mace: After you kill an enemy, your Javelin releases an electric blast.

  • Tactical Onslaught: This ability’s venom darts have an additional charge.

  • Recurring Vengence: After killing an enemy your ability cooldown is refreshed. You can only do this every seven and a half seconds.

  • Explosive Blaze: When you light two or more enemies on fire those foes now create fire explosions.

  • Cold Blooded: Hitting an enemy with an ice effect increases your melee damage by 135 percent for 10 seconds.

  • Grand Opening: Killing an enemy while hovering above them increases all of your weapon damage by 75 percent for 20 seconds.

  • The Gambit: When this weapon detonates, it does ice damage.

  • Last Argument: When you deal damage to enemies you get a 700 percent charge to your ultimate.

  • Combined Arms: Killing an enemy using your Assault Launcher boosts the damage of your grenades by 50 percent for three seconds.

  • Tip of the Spear: Your combo damage is increased by 50 percent. Also, whenever you perform a combo, nearby allies receive 40 percent of their armor back.

  • Vanguard’s Badge: All melee kills restores 20 percent of your shield.

  • Defensive Bulwark: Whenever you kill three enemies within quick succession of each other, your Javelin’s shields are instantly regenerated.

  • Airborne Advantage: While hovering your gear (Assault Launcher and Grenades) recharges twice as quickly.

Colossus Exclusives

  • Best Defense: When you fire at an enemy your armor recovers by 35 percent.

  • Solvent Green: Whenever this ability triggers a combo, your comb detonation deals 200 percent additional damage.

  • Fist of the Crucible: After you kill an enemy with this weapon, your flamethrower damage increases by 40 percent for 10 seconds. You can stack this effect five times.

  • Rubidium Furnace: Causing two enemies to catch fire while using this Ordnance Launcher resets this ability’s cooldown. You can only do this every 20 seconds.

  • Titan’s Hail: If this ability hits a primed enemy, they detonate.

  • Voltaic Dome: This shock coil now freezes enemies

  • Final Judgment: Whenever you hit more than one foe with this attack, all of your damage is increased by 35 percent for 20 seconds.

  • Vassa’s Arc: Whenever you attack three or more enemies with this gear, you create an electric explosion.

  • Demolition Tribute: Whenever you perform a melee kill, you recover 20 percent of your health.

  • Reinforced Hull: Whenever a status effect gets removed from your Javelin, your damage is increased by 20 percent. You can only trigger this effect every 10 seconds.

  • Emblem of Destruction: When you kill more than five foes by using your ultimate, your ultimate recharges by 3,300 percent.

  • Catalytic Overdrive: After detonating a combo your ability damage is increased by 40 percent for 20 seconds.

  • Grand Entrance: Your landing creases a small explosion when your Javelin lands on the ground after falling. This triggers when you fall from a high point.

  • Stalwart’s Badge: After your shield breaks your ability damage is increased by 40 percent for five seconds.

Interceptor Exclusives:

  • Sanadeen’s Respite: When you hit an enemy’s weak spot you recharge five percent of your shield.

  • Sudden Death: After hitting an enemy, a flame explosion happens on the point of impact.

  • Ruthless Stalker: After your deal damage to your foes, all damage you deal is increased by 60 percent for 20 seconds.

  • Way of Resolve: Whenever you dodge, your melee damage is increased by 40 percent for 10 seconds.

  • Survival Algorithm: After you clear an ally of any status effect, you recover 20 percent of your shields. You can only do this every 10 seconds.

  • Way of the Swift: Whenever you attack an opponent using the interceptor’s assault gear, your strike gear’s damage is increased by 50 percent for five seconds.

  • Talisman of Power: Whenever you attack an opponent using the interceptor’s strike gear, your assault gear’s damage is increased by 50 percent for five seconds.

  • Way of Integration: Whenever you hit two enemies using your gear, all damage you deal is increased by 30 percent for five seconds.

  • Elusive Talisman: Whenever you perform a triple dash, you instantly reload the weapon you’re holding.

  • Way of the Bold: After killing an enemy using a melee attack, your health is restored by 20 percent.