Prime Matter and Brass Token, a fairly recent publisher and indie partnership, is excited to announce its first game The Chant, a cult horror title set to make its debut on PC and next-gen consoles later this year. They celebrated the announcement with a minute-long teaser trailer, which you can find below!

What Sort of Cult Horror Can You Expect From The Chant?

The teaser trailer for The Chant starts us off somewhat calm, with images of a peaceful mountain resort and the spiritual journey it promises. Things quickly begin to take a turn though, as thoughts of another group here long ago and a mysterious “gloom” speed things up rapidly. Things quickly go from bad to worse, with cult worshipping taking place, blood strewn across fairly empty rooms, and maniacal teachings taking the spotlight. All of this, concludes with a montage of betrayal and the supposedly “spiritual” journey leaving more than meets the eye.

While that trailer doesn’t give us too much to glean about The Chant, it’s hard to ignore just how intriguing the cult horror vibes are. No punches are being pulled, with stag skulls, murder, and demonic worship all being part of the “spiritual retreat” teachings. And with the main character caught in the middle of it, almost seeming she came here for an escape of some sort rather than the spiritual reawakening she was promised, we’re sure to learn a lot more once the game is available.