Hearthstone’s latest expansion, The Boomsday Project, is now available.

A total of 135 new cards have been added to the game, so it’s time to build some new decks and see what the newest meta brings us.

Unless you were lucky enough to be at a pre-release event, the first thing you need to do is open up those packs. If you pre-ordered, that’s either 50, 80, 130. Maybe you’re a free to play player just buying with gold—and that’s cool too.

You’ll also get three free packs just for logging in, and a free golden legendary with each pre-order purchase.

Once you’ve got all those cards, scope out what you’ve got in terms of legendaries and epics. It’s risky to craft anything in the first week, because no one wants another Troggzor situation. Instead see what you’ve opened and look at what you can build with that. Check out Reddit for decklists, and see what your favorite streamer is playing.

This expansion adds Mechs back into the mix for the first time since Goblins vs Gnomes. Hunter, Paladin, and Warrior seem to be the classes with the most support for that tribe, so that might be something to try early.

As always, Hearthstone has taken over Twitch on expansion release day. Almost 250,000 people are watching right now—more than Fortnite, or any other game for that matter.