In an attempt to increase sales of its season pass, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is giving players full access to the DLC maps on all platforms. If the trailer is any indication, however, this only includes multiplayer maps specifically and not any previously released zombie maps.

The original asking price for the season pass was $50, which, unsurprisingly, led to some community backlash. In an era where games such as Overwatch have been supplying players with a steady stream of free content for years, the days of paying a substantial price for content that splits up the community seems absurd.

Nevertheless, fans of Black Ops 4 can finally try out the new map packs and decide for themselves if the season pass is worth it. As an interesting side note, Black Ops 4 saw some controversy due to players without the season passed being targeted by the game itself.

So if you haven’t been completely consumed by other shooters such as Apex Legends, now might be the time to boot up your copy of Black Ops 4. Black Ops 4 is out now for the PS4, PC, & XBO