At the start of every Spellbreak match, you get to choose your class. The classes you can choose from are Conduit, Frostborn, Pyromancer, Toxicologist, Tempest, and Stoneshaper. Your class determines your main spells, but you can also equip a Gauntlet of a different element to combo with your class on your offhand. Not every combination is good after the latest patch, and if you want to grind that Chapter Pass, you need to be careful with which combos you pick. This guide will walk through the best Gauntlets of Spellbreak Chapter 1 and what makes them so great.

Lightning and Frostborn

Frostborn is already extremely deadly at long range, but combining it with Lightning Strike makes it unbeatable at long range. You can place down blocks of ice from great distances and use your Lightning Strike to shock players inside of it. And Lightning Strike electrifies not only blocks of ice but Steam Puddles and Ice Puddles too.

Pyromancer and Toxic

This is currently the most powerful combination in the game. It amplifies your inherent fire damage by adding Dragonfire to your arsenal. When you ignite a Toxic Cloud, Dragonfire will erupt, dealing massive burst damage. Dragonfire can also be created by launching fireballs into your Toxic Puddles. This combination is the king of AOEs, and you can easily take on more than one enemy at once if played correctly.

Stoneshaper and Lightning

The Stoneshaper and Lightning combo is one of the most reliable combos in the game. With Stonesharper, you can control the ground by crashing into it with Bedrock and rolling a boulder across it with Boulerfall. With ground control, you can use your Lightning Bolts to make quick work of any enemy in the sky. This gives you control of both areas of play, making this combo one of the strongest in the game.