It is, without question, tough to argue that there is another legend in Apex Legends with a better default design than Mad Maggie. However, despite the shoulder spikes and wrecking ball waist attachment, the character already bears a selection of Legendary and Epic skins that only boost the character’s fashion sense even more. Yes, there are over 40 skins, but just five are worth your crafting materials.

Daemon Hunter

Although in no particular order, one cannot help but to stop and appreciate — and maybe buy — the Epic-rarity Daemon Hunter skin. Priced at 400 crafting materials, this cosmetic is actually an all-black and rather basic style. That being said, as you can see, a red wave animation pulses through the outfit every second or so — which is bound to scare an enemy or two.

Mob Boss

It isn’t hard to see why the Mob Boss skin costs a massive 1,200 crafting materials. Currently, this is one of just two skins that sports Maggie with a pair of shades and a stellar rattlesnake jacket. In addition, this Legendary cosmetics also gives the legend a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm.


For those looking to spend their crafting materials wisely, the Prowess skin is ultimately the best bang for your buck. The leopard print outfit is not only menacing, but is an excellent style for someone who has a gigantic pelt on their shoulder. It isn’t animated like others on this list, but for just 60 crafting materials, one cannot go wrong with this Rare cosmetic.


Arguably the best of the bunch so far, the Legendary Steamed skin imagines Mad Maggie as a military general in some sort of steampunk era war. Better yet, it replaces her iconic spikes with three black and gold metal rods, and even has gold armbands to match. Like the other Legendary skins, Steamed will run players 1,200 crafting materials.

User Friendly

Last, but certainly not least, the Epic User Friendly skin is another with a radical animation, as players will notice a black checkered pattern running through her yellow pants and armband. In addition, this cosmetic alters just about everything from her default skin, as even her wrecking ball attachment and shoulder pads become gold-plated. The best part: this fit only costs 400 crafting materials.