Ash, the killer simulacrum introduced to Apex Legends by Season 11: Escape, has an interesting new look in Apex Legends that she didn’t have in Titanfall 2. Various skins in the game take that a step even further and give Ash a whole new image. Ash has plenty of skins, but there are definitely some that come out on top within that selection. Here are all of Ash’s best skins in Apex Legends.

Standard Legendary Skins

  • Fallen AngelChaotic EmeraldEagle-EyedMercenary Mystique

Ash’s year-round Legendary skins are all unique in their own ways, but our favorite by far is Fallen Angel out of the lot. Its color scheme is reminiscent of Deathproof, one of Revenant’s best skins, and the gold metallic elements are very eye-catching.

Other Standout Skins

  • Venom Blade (Epic)Chain of Command (Legendary)Wishbone (Rare)

Ash’s Launch Bundle skin, Chain of Command, is definitely intimidating, and there is a great balance of spiky and sleek elements. Ash’s Prime Gaming skin, Venom Blade, is a bit of a left-of-field take on her character, but we love it. You’ll notice, though, Ash’s Starter Pack skin is not on this list. We felt it was the weakest Starter Pack skin yet, and it didn’t belong here. In its place is the best standard Rare skin Ash has, Wishbone.

For more Apex Legends content, check out How to level up your Evo Shield in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.