Drinkbox’s action RPG Nobody Saves The World is a dungeon crawling adventure where players can transform into various forms and mix and match abilities from each one to take on increasingly hardcore foes. Customizing each of your forms to fit your play style and the task at hand is a vital part of finding success in the game, but with so many different active and passive abilities to slot onto seventeen other characters, a few strong options were almost certainly bound to show up. Here are some of our favorite combinations.

The Magician + Zombie Familiars

Players that enjoy letting underlings do the work for them RTS style have several options to choose from, including the fabulous Magician and his tiger and bunny sidekicks, or the undead horde led by the Zombie. But why not have both? By giving the Magician the Zombite ability, you can have a shambling army of walkers right there on the battlefield alongside the animals in your hat, letting you kick back and recharge while your thralls take care of the baddies from afar. You can even use Zombite on one of the animal familiars to turn them into a zombie just before they expire, if you like. The other way works as well, with the Magician’s Hat Trick working on the Zombie, but this isn’t for the faint of heart, as she slowly loses health the longer she goes without defeating enemies.

The Ranger + Detonate Poison

The synergy between the three starter forms players gain access to is pretty strong. Players can fix the Rat and Guard’s close-range limitations by giving either Arrow Flurry, but one potent combination that’s relatively quick to gain is using Detonate Poison from the Rat’s kit on the Ranger, who always has Poison Tipped equipped. This combo means players can use the charged arrow or a flurry to load enemies with the poison effect, then use them as living bombs — a brilliant solution for both controlling crowds and laying down heavy damage on stronger foes.

The Horse + Strongman

The Horse can be one of the more challenging characters to get used to using in Nobody Saves the World, as his signature ability, Kick Back, requires players to charge into battle backward. The learning curve is worth adjusting to, though, because Horse’s Impact damage potential is reliable and pairs remarkably well with the Strongman passive perk, available from unlocking the Bodybuilder. Strongman adds extra Impact damage to foes when they get knocked away by an attack, which happens every time Horse successfully uses Kick Back or Gallop to launch enemies into each other or dungeon walls. For times when charging into battle is recommended, the combo will almost certainly set your stampede on the right hoof.

The Monk + Poison Tipped

The Ranger’s Poison Tipped passive perk is one of the game’s most versatile options, enhancing attacks on almost every character. One place where it truly shines is on the Monk, where players can pair it with his Holy Light ability to bring acidic rainstorms down on the bad guys. Holy Light’s 3-second minimum time is almost certainly long enough to cause the Poison damage to proc on almost all enemies, and its high output is only enhanced by the tick damage that lingers afterward. The high Mana cost and long recharge time could get in the way of using it frequently, but the tradeoffs are worth it for situations where players have a lot of enemies to take care of.

The Robot + Slug’s Secret

One of the most satisfying attacks at players’ disposal in Nobody Saves the World is the Robot’s Ravager Rocket, a missile that’s guaranteed to crit any enemy it hits so long as it stays airborne for half a second. It’s the perfect solution for moments where elite enemies are around, and pairing it with a status effect perk like Poison Tipped or Spooky and the Slug’s Secret perk gives you a setup that begs to be used against big bosses. Slug’s Secret adds an extra 50% to critical damage made to baddies with status effects, so players can expect their Ravager Rockets to hit much harder once their attacks’ effects kick in.