The type of Materia you socket into your equipment in Final Fantasy XIV will augment and enhance your character’s overall stats. You want to make sure you’re using the correct ones for your character’s class, and the answer will vary based on what you’re playing. In this guide, we will cover the best Materia for each class in Final Fantasy XIV.

The best Materia for each Final Fantasy XIV class

There are 20 Job for you to play in Final Fantasy XIV. The type of Materia you use will dictate your focus when interacting with a larger team. Here’s the breakdown for each available Job in Final Fantasy XIV.


The Astrologian is one of your healers, and they must assist in keeping their teammates alive. They want to focus on building Critical Hit, Determination, and Piety. Critical and Determination Materia come first over Piety.


Bard is one of your ranged DPS Jobs. Not only will they deal damage to enemies, but they’re going to be helping in sending party-wide buffs to assist in combat. Therefore, you want to focus on building Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit. Some Bards also choose to build on their Skill Speed, but Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit are the larger focuses.

Black Mage

The Black Mage is one of your ranged caster DPS Jobs, unleashing a massive amount of magic to unsuspecting targets. You want to build Spell Speed, Critical Hit, and Determination.

Blue Mage

Next, we have the Blue Mage, another ranged caster DPS Job. Like many of the other damage-dealing Jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, you want to focus on Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit Materia.


The Dancer is one of the ranged DPS Jobs you can select in Final Fantasy XIV. While playing this role, you want to focus on building Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit Materia, common choices for many damage-dealing characters.

Dark Knight

The Dark Knight is an aggressive tank that will face the most formidable foes for a party. You want to focus on building up your Critical Hit, Skill Speed, and Direct Hit Materia while playing this role. Feel free to also sprinkle in some Determination Materia if you can spare it.


A Dragoon is a melee DPS Job capable of landing multiple combos to unleash massive damage to a single target. While playing a Dragoon, you want to build Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit Materia.


The Gunbreaker is another tank role in Final Fantasy XIV. While playing this Job, you want to focus on building Critical Hit, Skill Speed, and Direct Hit. A handful of experienced players also recommend adding some Determination and Tenacity, if you can do so.


While playing as the Machinist, you want to build Critical Hit, Direct Hit, and Determination for this role. You can expect to focus more on Critical Hit and Direct Hit Materia.


The Monk is another melee DPS Job you can select to play in Final Fantasy XIV. Here, you want to focus on building Skill Speed, Critical Hit, Determination, and then Direct Hit. The Skill Speed is subjective to you, though, depending on how you prefer to play your Monk.


While playing as the Ninja, you can expect to dash into combat and make short work of your enemies. You want to focus on building Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit. If you feel you want to increase your Ninja’s Skill Speed, you can, but the other choices are vastly more important.


The Paladin is the toughest tank for enemies to take down in Final Fantasy XIV, capable of withstanding mountains of damage and performing heals to help out. You want to focus on building Critical Hit, Skill Speed, and Direct Hit Materia.


The Reaper role is another melee DPS Job you can choose to play. While playing as a Reaper, you want to focus on building Critical Hit, Skill Speed, and Direct Hit Materia.

Red Mage

Red Mages are one of the few caster DPS roles in Final Fantasy XIV. While playing this Job, you want to build Critical Hit, Determination, and Direct Hit Materia to aid your allies the most.


The Sage is a healer Job, and not only will you be keeping your allies alive, but you’ll be dealing a good amount of damage to defeat hordes of foes. You want to make sure you’re building Critical Hit, Direct Hit, Determination, and Skill Speed. Some Final Fantasy XIV players also build Piety, but we don’t recommend it over the other Materia choices.


Next, we have another melee DPS Job, the Samurai. As a Samurai, you want to focus on stacking up your Skill Speed, Critical Hit, and Determination to get the most out of your role.


The Scholar is another healing role in Final Fantasy XIV. For this Job, you want to focus on building Critical Hit, Direct Hit, and Determination Materia.


The Summoner is another heavy caster that will be unleashing powerful minions to aid them in battle. While playing this role, you want to focus on building up your Skill Speed, Critical Hit, and Determination Materia.


The Warrior is the more aggressive tank Job you can select in Final Fantasy XIV, ready to fight as much as they want to defend. You want to focus on building Critical Hit, Determination, and Tenacity.

White Mage

The final Job you can select in Final Fantasy XIV is White Mage, another healing role. While playing this role, you want to focus on building your Critical Hit, Direct Hit, and Determination Materia.