Feral Ghouls are one of the many enemies that have been appearing in the Fallout series since its inception back in the 1990s, and with the latest entry in the series Fallout 76, this is still the case. That said, In this guide, we will go over where players can find Fallout 76 Feral Ghoul locations and why they may want to do so.

Where To Find Feral Ghouls In Fallout 76

Feral ghouls are the living ghosts of pre-war America, they were once human but through radiation suffered severe mutations that resulted in their brains decaying. Furthermore, due t0 this Feral ghouls are no longer capable of rational thought and are nothing more than mindless monsters that haunt the ruins of the old world. Normal ghouls can also eventually turn feral from exposure to radiation, as shown numerous times in Fallout 3. But moving on, In Fallout 76 there are several locations where Feral Ghouls tend to spawn regularly as well as semi-regularly, and below you will find a list of all the best locations to find Feral ghouls in the game.

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Watoga Emergency Services

Watoga Emergency Services is a location found within the Cranberry Bog region of Fallout 76 inside the town of Watoga. The building can be found across the street from the Watoga Civic Center, and if you look at the image below, it will have a large green wall above it with white words that say Emergency Services on the building. Inside this location, players can find around eight high-level ghouls and often multiple legendary variants on the second floor of the building. But before we dive into where you can find the ghouls in this location, we recommend not going to this location if you are below level 30 and up, as ghouls tend to be high level in this area.

Moving on, to find the ghouls in the Watoga Emergency Services, you must proceed inside and find the elevator as shown above. After finding the elevator press “E” to open it and walk inside, then on your left press the button to proceed onto the second floor. 

After pressing the button, you will arrive on the second floor, and it is at this point where you will need to exit the elevator and proceed right around the cornier.

Around the cornier you should see some stairs going up on the left and some additional rooms on the right. The rooms on the right will contain various loot and some Level 42 Liberator robots, but no ghouls so you are going to need to head left up the stairs.

Keep going up the stairs until you reach the top floor that will look like the image shown above. It is in this area where you will find all of the ghouls in Watoga Emergency Services. Players can also find quite a few legendary ghouls in this area, so we advise to check all the rooms on the second floor.

Charleston Capitol Building DMV 

For our next location, Charleston Capitol Building DMV, we will also recommend not visiting this location unless you are level 30 and up as ghouls in this area tend to be around that level and up. Moving on, players can find this location in the Charleston area of Fallout 76 in the Capitol building DMV section. You can find the DMV on the far left when standing in front of the main Capitol Building Area as show below.

Once inside, turn right and proceeded through either set of doors as show in the image below.

After doing so you will see another set of doors, and through these doors is where you will find all of the ghouls in the Charleston building. These ghouls will be spread out over four floors in total, so we recommend being thorough when searching this area, especially because several of these ghouls can often be legendary variants.


The Burrows

The third best location where players can find Feral Ghouls is The Burrows dungeon area found inside the town of Harper’s ferry in the mire region of Fallout 76. You can find the entrance to this location in two spots inside the town in the form of sewer manholes, and the one in the image below is The Burrows north location. Press “E” on the manhole to go inside and once inside you will find a semi massive sewer network that is absolutely infested with feral ghouls that can vary in levels and legendary variants.

Morgantown and Vault-Tec University

The next Fallout 76 Feral Ghoul location is called Morgantown, and it is found within The Forest region of Fallout 76. Players will also have no problems finding feral ghouls inside the town, as the majority of the town is infested with ghouls. Because of this we recommend just exploring Morgantown, as you will eventually run into Feral Ghouls sooner or later. In addition, this is also one of the best locations for lower level players to vist as the majority of all ghouls are no higher than level 6 in Morgantown.

Moving on, for the next location you won’t have to go far as it is also located inside Morgantown in Fallout 76. The location is called Vault-Tech University and throughout the building various types of ghouls can be found inside. Vault-Tech University is also a solo quest location in Fallout 76, so keep that in mind if you haven’t done the quest tied to Vault Tech University yet. You can find the university in the following spot on the in-game Fallout 76 map as show by the image below.

The Whitespring Golf Club

Our final Fallout 76 Feral Ghoul location is the Whitespring Golf Club, which is situated left from the Resort of the same name. Inside this location you can find dozens of ghouls and sometimes even a windigo, if you are lucky. Once in the area, enter the building as shown by our image below, inside this building and in the surrounding area you can potentially find several high level ghouls and legendary variants