Deathclaws ever since the first Fallout game have been appearing in every single Fallout game to date, with the most recent being Fallout 76. Further, Deathclaws in Fallout 76 take on a similar role to that of the other games in the series as a highly dangerous threat to would-be Vault Dwellers. In addition, these monsters are also required from time to time for daily challenges, quests, and more. With that said, in this guide, we will go over all of the best Fallout 76 Deathclaw locations so that you can farm XP, Gears, or complete the daily challenges.

Where can I find Deathclaws in Fallout 76?

To find Deathclaws in Fallout 76 you simply must go to a few select locations where they are guaranteed to spawn. Luckily if you keep reading we will have all of these guaranteed spawn locations listed below. Furthermore, Deathclaws are a very dangerous enemy so if you go looking for one be ready to put up a fight. However, the rewards for hunting these beasts are often worth the risk as they can often drop good loot and junk items such as Gears in large quantities. So if you are in need of either of those items it might be worth trying your luck with these oversized lizards.

For more guides on Fallout 76 check out the following below:

  • The Best Locations To Farm Screws In Fallout 76
  • The Best Locations To Find Feral Ghouls In Fallout 76
  • Fallout 76 Eyebot Locations – Where to Find Them
  • Fallout 76 Cryptids: The Mothman – Everything You need to Know

#5 Abandoned Waste Dump

For the first best location to find Fallout 76 Deathclaws you must head deep into the merciless swamp known as the mire in the game. At this location, players are guaranteed to find two level 40 Deathclaws depending on if someone didn’t get there before them. 

If this is the case just move on to the other locations or server hop until you find one where these Deathclaws are still alive. However, if you haven’t found this location yet, you can find it north of Tanagra Town and northeast of Harper’s Ferry. 

Moving on, once you are at the dump proceed inside and you should see some waste barrels. Don’t worry these are not radioactive and won’t give you any rads so you can move past them with ease. Once past the barrels you can then find the Deathclaws either sleeping or stomping around in the area past the barrels. 

#4 Deathclaw Island

The next location where you can find Deathclaws in Fallout 76 is a place found to the north of the town of Point Pleasant and west of the Tyler County Fairground. At this location called Deathclaw Island players will be able to find one Deathclaw on the small island that sits in the middle of the river. 

As a side note, we recommend visiting this island if you are low level as the Deathclaws here are always around level 21. Furthermore, If you low level we recommend grabbing a ranged weapon and to try and take the Deathclaw down from a distance.

#3 Archery Set

Like with the Deathclaw Island location, this spot is also a great location to farm Deathclaws if you are a low level. That said, to find this spot you will need to head to White Powder Winter Sports and from there go north to an unmarked location as shown above. 

#2 Thunder Mountain Sub Station TM-02

Now for this next location players will have to travel to the other side of the map north of the Town of Watoga. If you haven’t this location yet we suggest traveling to Watoga and to start heading north. Then when you find the location you should find a level 41+ Deathclaw that will most likely be fighting other creatures such as Ants or Ticks.

#1 Hopewell Cave