In competitive shooters like Apex Legends, precise movement and trigger control are the difference between victory and defeat. This only becomes more important when battling through ranked matches each season. This guide explains the best keybinds for Apex Legends on PC, so you’re always at the top of your game.

Apex Legends features more keybind inputs than most other battle royale/multiplayer titles. With its revolutionary pinging system, along with the basic keybinds, there’s a lot for PC players to customize on their mouse and keyboard. While players should use whatever makes them comfortable, some keybind strategies and combinations are more popular than others.

Apex Legends basic keybinds explained

As with any multiplayer game, there are basic keybinds that everyone should follow. The movement, firing, aiming, and sprinting keys all fall into this category, so let’s quickly go over these basic inputs.

  • Move Forward: WMove Back: SMove Left: AMove Right: DSprint: Left ShiftJump: SpaceCrouch (Toggle): Left Control Crouch (Hold): C

The only real wiggle room with these keybinds is in the crouching inputs. While it’s recommended players use a combination of C and Left Control, you can easily flip-flop the two of these keybinds.

Best gameplay keybinds for Apex Legends

Next, we have the keybinds that you’ll use for gunfights and navigating the World’s Edge map in Apex Legends. One thing to note: these specific keybinds are widely used across the community, including professional players.

  • Tactical Ability: QUltimate Ability: XInteract/Pick-Up: EInventory: TABMap: MAttack: Left Mouse Toggle Fire Mode: BAim Down Sight (Hold): Right Mouse Melee: FReload: RCycle Weapon: Scroll WheelEquip Weapon 1: 1Equip Weapon 2: 2Holster Weapons: 3Equip Grenade: GUse Health Item: 4Use Syringe: H

There are many more keybinds in this section, so there’s more room for differences. For example, some players have “Melee” as V or Left Alt. This is a solid set of guidelines, but with something like “Toggle Fire Mode,” you can use whatever you feel comfortable with.

Best pinging keybinds for Apex Legends

Finally, there are the keybinds that are mainly specific to Apex Legends. As with the other sections on this list, certain combinations work best for pinging. However, merely choosing an input that’s somewhat close to your hands is vital since you’ll be pinging quite a bit in any given match.

  • Open Quip Wheel/ Thank You: VPing: Mouse Button 5 Ping (Enemy Here): Middle Mouse ButtonPing (Watching/Defending Here): Mouse Button 4

Though there are more than just four pinging keybinds, we feel that only these three are necessary for a keybind. If you hold the main ping keybind, a menu with all of the other pinging options comes up. So, while you can customize each keybind, it’s not necessary. If you find yourself using any of the other ping options regularly, you should assign a new keybind to it so that it doesn’t waste time in the middle of a match.

What keybinds do pros use in Apex Legends?

Pro players in Apex Legends tournaments each have their own set of keybinds that they’re comfortable with. However, for the most part, they use the keybinds we’ve outlined above. While you could try out each pro’s specific keybind set to see if it works better or worse for you, we believe you’ll benefit more from looking at professional keybinds for Apex Legends and taking one or two that look good to you. Below are some examples of the keybinds that could improve your game and which pros use them.

  • Alternative Interact: X (Summit1g)Use Shield Cell: 3 (Shroud)Melee: Mouse Button 4 (Ninja)Use Selected Health Item: Mouse Button 5 (Dr. Disrespect)