Despite Call of Duty: Warzone’s Fortune’s Keep map being about the same size as Rebirth Island, the island has several more buildings and features to visit. That means loot is far easier to come by, but if you truly want to win, you’ll need to know where the best possible guns and killstreaks will be. Although 12 main locations make up Fortune’s Keep, there are just five that can lend you a strong loadout in seconds. Here’s where you should be dropping in your next match of Resurgence.


It is certainly not the most interesting POI in Fortune’s Keep, but almost everything aspect of Camp makes it a perfect drop spot. For one, it is the furthest east area on the map, hundreds of meters away from death traps like Keep and Town. Camp also bears surprisingly great gear with each of its seven tents holding ground loot and at least one supply box.


You may have already noticed the gaping hole at the center of the island. Known as Grotto, players can enter this cave to explore three levels of small buildings and discover bundles of top-tier blueprints. Although it does rest close to massively popular areas, the cave also features a loot-filled tunnel that allows you to escape to the quieter Smuggler’s Cove location.


Taking up almost a third of the map, Keep is essentially the map’s own version of Prison Block from Rebirth Island. The location features one behemoth of a three-story mansion that’s layout is a maze of rooms, staircases, and wide hallways. Players can discover supply boxes in almost every portion of the building, but can also run into a wealth of ground loot on its rooftops. In sum, you can expect Keep to be stuffed with opponents for most of a match’s duration.


The areas surrounding Keep are just as gracious with their loot offerings, ultimately making Terraces a go-to location. Located west of Keep, the POI is focused around a large cathedral bombarded by guns, ammo, and several other items. Snipers may get the most out of Terraces, as it also includes a watch tower that overlooks much of Keep and the nearby Gatehouse.


If you’re wanting to collect eliminations right away, there’s no better place to head for enemies and loot than Town. It is made up of over 30 buildings that are either connected together or a few feet away from another to allow players to jump from each of their rooftops. Supply boxes and ground loot can be discovered from almost every building, but the western corner of the POI holds a two-story restaurant known for providing Legendary weapons.

Aside from ground loot and supply boxes, you should also look to take on the game’s new Black Market contract for Legendary blueprints and killstreaks. The contract works similar to Supply Run, as players will need to hunt down a buy station to purchase its exclusive items.