Profile pictures are a way to show your interest and care for the world, and on Steam and Discord, there is no better way to show that than with cute profile pictures. From animals to fictional Nintendo characters, there are plenty of ways to show a cute vibe to your friends and family online.

Animals as a cute profile picture from Pixabay

Animals and cuteness come hand in hand, and you can find many pictures online for free. On Pixabay, there is a bunch of cat and dog photos you can crop down and use as a profile picture. Despite them being royalty-free, there are some professional pictures you can utilize for your Discord, Steam, and other social media accounts.

Anime chibi art on DeviantArt

On DeviantArt, you can scour far and wide for anime chibi art. Put in the anime show you love and then chibi at the end of it to find some adorable work by talented artists online. We came across some marvelously cute pieces by onialgarra on DeviantArt. Both of these artworks above are adorable as both My Hero Academia‘s Deku and Demon Slayer’s Tanjiro have been sized down. Deku shows his pumped-up personality while Tanjiro shows a laid-back side. Make sure you credit the artist in your profile description if you decide to use them as profile pictures.

Disney and Star Wars pictures on Pixabay

There are so many Disney and Star Wars pictures you can find on Pixabay, including Funko Pops and old toys. This BB-8 toy reminds us of when he was exploring Tokadana in the forest area around Maz Kanata’s Castle. There are also some neat pictures of Olaf and Mickey with Minnie on the website.

Nintendo characters by Wusagi2 on DeviantArt

Nintendo’s properties have some of the purest video game characters in the world. Kirby, a pink puffball, is often called cute for his cheeky antics and overall positive attitude, Toon Link is trying to save the world, despite how small he is, while the Kid Icarus: Uprising Pits are adorable on-screen. Wusagi2 drew some wonderful fan art, depicting all of these characters in a cute fashion as Kirby is blissfully sleeping on Toon Link’s lap and the two Pits are relatively happy taking a picture together. You’ll likely find some other talented artists on DeviantArt, depicting Nintendo characters in adorable ways. Make sure you credit Wusagi2 and other artists in whatever way you can in your profile description.

Pokémon pictures by SeviYummy on DeviantArt

When you think of cute animals in video games, you instantly think of the Pokémon series. It has such cute creatures like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, and all manner of Pokémon to find in its anime, video games, and trading cards. If you’re a fanatic of the franchise, you should check out SeviYummy’s art on DeviantArt. They each have a bright style and picture each monster in a charming light. We especially love the one with Pikachu wearing Ash’s hat and smiling. Like the last artist on DeviantArt, we recommend sourcing in your profile description where you get the image from, just to be fair.