Thematic events have been a part of Apex Legends since the Legendary Hunt event in Season 1: Wild Frontier, however, it was not until Season 10 that thematic events gained a new standardized format. Starting with the Monsters Within event in 2021, thematic events became a way to introduce 40 new themed cosmetics into the game. Of each set of 40, eight of those are Legend skins. As of writing this article, 24 craftable thematic Legend skins have debuted in Apex Legends.

Top 10 Best Craftable Thematic Legend skins

After looking carefully through every craftable thematic Legend skin, we chose the 10 best skins from the various thematic events in the game since Season 10. Note that if this list makes you want to purchase any of these skins, you may want to wait until they drop in price. The price drop happens one year after they’re introduced in the game. Let’s take a look.

10. Death Row (Epic Revenant skin)

While it may not be the flashiest thematic skin, those piercing red eyes really stand out on Revenant’s model, especially when it’s shown in those darker colors. It may have just scraped its way in, but it did earn a place in our top 10, fair and square.

Origin: Unshackled Event

9. Bad Bot (Legendary Pathfinder skin)

B-b-b-b-bad to the bot. This edgier take on Pathfinder is definitely a lot of fun, but the design doesn’t stray far enough away from some of his other skins to warrant a higher spot on the chart. The skull on the screen though was a great choice.

8. Machine Language (Legendary Crypto skin)

This Crypto skin definitely has a unique flair to it, from the unique take on his standard jacket to the mechanic-looking jumpsuit. It’s also nice to see a new hairstyle on Crypto that actually suits his character (unlike with a certain other skin of his).

7. Sea Streak (Epic Octane skin)

Sea Streak is by far the best Epic craftable thematic, and that’s made clear by its presence among a bunch of Legendary skins. The color scheme (orange and aquamarine balance each other perfectly) and design details (the teeth on the mask, the scales on the arms, etc.) are spot on. Getting a skin this cool for the Epic material cost is basically a steal. With a few tweaks it for sure could have been Legendary.

Origin: Dark Depths Event

6. Slingshot (Legendary Valkyrie skin)

The pink hair, the wrap-around mask, the plated armor: all 10/10. The only thing keeping it lower on the list is the red cloth on the piece underneath the other element clashes a bit with the rest of the skin’s aesthetic. Nonetheless, it is one of Valkyrie’s best skins and definitely the best-looking Legend skin that was introduced by the Unshackled Event.

5. Denizen of the Deep (Legendary Ash skin)

Crab Ash! Crab Ash! Okay, but seriously, this is really a stunning and vicious-looking skin. There is definitely a reason we saved it for our top five. The mask adds a unique element to Ash’s face. The crab legs work perfectly into Ash’s default character shape. Lastly, the additional elements, right down the black and lime green hood, fit perfectly with the Dark Depths theme.

4. Necro Nightmare (Legendary Revenant skin)

Honestly, this is a controversial skin, from the fur/metal combination to the join cloth (jean loincloth), but we love it. It’s a daring and original design that is true to the spirit of what a Legendary skin should be: Far enough from the default skin to be worth the cost but close enough to the base frame that we don’t lose the character. It’s kind of silly but also kind of fierce. It’s honestly a great balance.

Origin: Monsters Within Event

3. Out For Blood (Legendary Seer skin)

Let’s not beat around the bush: Seer makes one fine-looking handsome vampire. The futuristic take on a traditional vampire comes with a lot to offer as well. From the metal detailing on the face, to those unique white and orange eyes. Seer’s hair and outfit also look great on this skin, definitely the best skin from the Monsters Within Event.

2. My Wave (Legendary Lifeline skin)

When I first saw this skin, I was in love. The outfit itself is flawless, the color scheme is absolutely gorgeous. Her hairstyle is cute, her makeup looks good, it would be my favorite skin on this list if it weren’t for one thing: The shells. The white shells in her hair don’t match the rest of her outfit, they’re too big, and they just look awkward. If the shells were taken out, the skin would be fighting pretty hard for the number one spot.

1. Overfloater (Legendary Horizon skin)

That brings us to our number one choice: Overfloater. Not only is this the best Dark Depths skin, but the best craftable thematic skin overall. I don’t have any faults with the skin, and the design is unique and strong enough to stand on its own if it were the original design for a character. From the hair, to the mask, to the colors, to the details, this skin will be hard to beat even when more thematic skins debut. Overfloater gets a 10/10 from us.

For more Apex Legends content, check out All new Legend skins in the Unshackled Event for Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.