Microsoft Flight Simulator is a complicated game. Aircraft are detailed and challenging to control, there are a vast number of systems and mechanics to learn, and it can be a very challenging experience. If you are new to the game, and wondering if there is a way to make things a little more comfortable while you learn the ropes, then you are in luck.

The options menu will give you access to the Assistance settings, and in here, you can make all kinds of tweaks to the games various systems that will make life easier.

Each section has two layers, a top-level category where you can set the difficulty, and then a drop-down menu allows you to tweak different aspects within that category. For a new player with no experience, you can just set everything to easy, but it is important to check what the game is actually changing. If you have no idea where the game is helping you, then you have no way to get better at flying.

Aircraft Systems

  • Automixture – OnUnlimited Fuel – OnAircraft Lights – OnGyro Drift Auto-calibration – On

Failure and Damage

  • Crash Damage – DisabledAircraft Stress Damage – DisabledEngine Stress Damage – DisabledIcing Effect – Visual Only
  • Route and Waypoints – OnTaxi Ribbon – OnLanding Path – OnSmartcam Mode – AutoPOI Markers – OnCity Markers – OnAirport Markers – OnFauna Markers – On


  • Piloting and Controls Notifications – OnAircraft System – OnFlying Tips – OnObjectives – OnSoftware Tips – On

User Experience

  • ATC UI Panel open at start – OffShow message log in ATC menu – OffATC Voices – OnChecklist in UI Panel open at start – OnVFR Map UI Panel open at start – OffNav Log UI Panel Open at start – Off