Sure, the game has loads of characters, but some just suck. Here are the 5 worst characters you should bench in Fire Emblem Engage.

Like me, you may spend several hours in this area of the game to relax, improve your equipment and get to know your allied units better.

You may spend several hours in this area of the game to relax, improve your equipment and get to know your allied units better. After that, however, it’s a full-fledged Fire Emblem. With so many options, I don’t want to waste any of my time on the worst characters in Fire Emblem Engage.

The battles are again fought by individual units that will only have support if we take advantage of the right synergies. Although this, like everything else, has specific nuances. These nuances come in the form of a ring since each character that we equip with one of the Emblem Rings will have, from that very moment, an ally that will accompany him at all times.

Even so, there are units that, regardless of whether you give them a ring or not, are so terrible you should always bench them.

Therefore, today we bring you a list of the 5 worst characters in Fire Emblem Engage to have on your team. They are on this list either because they are too weak or because there are better alternatives in the story.

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The 5 Worst Characters You Should Bench in Fire Emblem Engage

  • Vander: This is a mighty unit at the beginning, but it becomes stagnant after the first few chapters. He is useful only when next to Alear and little else.
  • Framme: His existence only makes sense when you can recruit Jean in the game, who outperforms him in absolutely any scenario. She also becomes deficient when it comes to healing compared to Citrinne.
  • Etie: Not a bad archer, but becomes expendable once we get Alcryst and Fogado in our battalion, who are better. This alone earns Etie a place with the 5 worst characters in Fire Emblem Engage.
  • Boucheron: He knows how to use the axe well, but once you have Timerra in your team, he loses all sense as a unit in your battalion.
  • Anna: A relatively weak character compared to the rest. Although she uses an axe, something always appreciated, you will only want to have her in your team for the extra gold she offers when killing enemy units.

Now you know which are the worst characters in Fire Emblem Engage, so make sure to keep them out of the battlefield.

Fire Emblem Engage is available on the Nintendo Switch.