To survive in Minecraft Dungeons, you will need to equip the best armor and weapons for how you want to play. There are plenty of gear options to choose from, but getting the right combination to suit your needs can seem daunting with such a large variety available. Fortunately, after being out for so long, some good builds have become standardized among the Dungeons community. Here are the best builds for Minecraft Dungeons based on your preferred playstyle.

The best Minecraft Dungeons builds


This build focuses on turning Fireworks into your best friend. It increases the damage of your ranged attack while decreasing the cooldown of useful artifacts. The most useful artifact in this build will be the Wind Horn that you can use to retreat if you get backed into a corner.

  • Maulers or Fighter’s BindingsRadianceStunningRampagingEvocation RobeCowardiceDeflectFire TrailScatter Crossbow or Azure SeekerInfinityRicochetChain ReactionFirework ArrowsShock PowderWind Horn


This build is good for outputting a ton of damage. It focuses on increasing your melee damage and keeping you mobile. This build is a glass cannon, you can kill everything around you with relative ease, but you don’t have many options for defense.

  • RadianceStunningRampaging

  • CowardiceDeflectFire Trail

  • InfinityRicochetChain Reaction

  • Claymore or BroadswordThunderingCritical HitWild RageMercenary Armor or Titan’s ShroudDeflectSpeed SynergyFire TrailHeavy Crossbow or Doom CrossbowRicochetPiercingRapid FireBoots of SwiftnessShock PowderDeath Cap Mushroom


Having a healer of some kind on your team is essential. If you prefer to be the one healing everyone, this is a good build to use. It focuses on boosting health buffs and potions while also keeping you alive, so your party doesn’t have to spend their time shielding you.

  • ThunderingCritical HitWild Rage

  • DeflectSpeed SynergyFire Trail

  • RicochetPiercingRapid Fire

  • Any weapon with RadianceMystery ArmorPotion BarrierHealth SynergyDeflectSabrewingInfinityRicochetFuse ShotLove MedallionTotes of ShieldingTotem of Regeneration

Soul Warrior

Soul Warrior build focuses on using soul energy to use the soul weapons and artifacts. The build is good for dealing with bosses and large amounts of enemies, but it falls flat when you don’t have enough mobs to use as fodder. The build increases the number of souls you gain and capitalizes on the buffs granted by items like the Corrupted Beacon and Soul Bow.

  • Potion BarrierHealth SynergyDeflect

  • InfinityRicochetFuse Shot

  • Soul ScytheAnima ConduitSoul SiphonThunderingFeral Soul CrossbowInfinityRicochetRapid FireSouldancer RobeCowardiceSoul SpeedChillingLightning RodCorrupted BeaconSoul Healer or Torment Quiver

Speedy Steve

Speedy Steve is a speed run build that is all about keeping up a high pace. Your defense isn’t great, and you aren’t going to be doing a lot of damage, but the defense doesn’t matter much if the enemies can’t hit you.

  • Anima ConduitSoul SiphonThundering

  • InfinityRicochetRapid Fire

  • CowardiceSoul SpeedChilling

  • Daggers or Fangs Of FrostCritical HitStunningChainsEvocation Robe or Ember RobeSpeed SynergyFire TrailChillingRapid Crossbow or Auto CrossbowInfinityChain ReactionRapid FireBoots of SwiftnessLight FeatherIron Hide Amulet


A tank is invaluable in Minecraft Dungeons. It can withstand the hits from enchanted mobs and the tougher bosses in the game. This build capitalizes on artifacts and potions by lowering cooldown while also increasing your max health and melee damage. All of the artifacts for this build have a longer cooldown, but the Final Shout enchantment will cause them to activate when you have low health, even if it is cooling down.

  • Critical HitStunningChains

  • Speed SynergyFire TrailChilling

  • InfinityChain ReactionRapid Fire

  • Champion’s Armor or Hero’s ArmorFinal ShoutPotion BarrierCool DownFighter’s BindingsCritical HitSwirlingRadianceAny weapon with high speedRadianceAnima ConduitGong of WeakeningDeath cap MushroomIron Hide Amulet

  • Final ShoutPotion BarrierCool Down

  • Critical HitSwirlingRadiance

  • RadianceAnima Conduit