If you’ve been playing the newest remake of Resident Evil 2, then you’ve most likely run into the ever-irritating monster that is Tyrant, also known as Mr. X. He’s a hulking character that follows the protagonists around the maps, seeking to silence them with his fists completely. Mr. X is not only intimidating in stature; he’s also impossible to kill, making him the most threatening villain in the entire game.

Since he’s impossible to kill, you might be wondering what you can do to make encounters with the well-dressed creature more bearable. We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips that can keep you alive for longer and also keep you from wasting precious resources on him.

How to Survive Tyrant

Don’t Waste Ammo or Health

Like we said above, he’s invincible throughout most of the game until a later point, so don’t worry about wasting your shots. The only time that you should fire at him is for the achievement of shooting off his hat, but that’s it. Yes, shooting him in the head with some precise shots can stagger him for a few moments, it’s not worth it in the end, especially since you still have to deal with zombies, lickers, and zombie dogs. The best thing to do with Mr. X is to avoid his punches and run the other way if possible. Avoiding punches is not hard since Mr. X is relatively slow. This will also help you to conserve your health items as well.

Know the Footsteps

Although he’s invincible, the game does a good job of keeping him balanced and manageable. One thing to keep in mind is that you can always hear him coming before he sees you. In many cases, if you stop, you can even hear which direction he’s going, which floor he’s on, and if he’s spotted you (which also triggers intense music). If you always to have the deep bass of his footsteps, that usually means he’s in another room and hasn’t quite found you yet, but if you hear the echo of his boots along with the bass, that tends to mean he’s in the same room and it’s time to get out of there. No need going toe-to-toe with him.

Know the Map

When you first run into Mr. X (right after you douse the flaming helicopter with the water pump at the police station), it can be a bit stressful trying to find a place to go. One tip that can keep players from taking a beating is to find the rooms that he cannot go in. Yes, that’s right. There are rooms that Mr. X cannot go in. If you’re playing as Leon, the first room you can go into that he won’t enter is the save room right next to the boiler room. This is a great way to get him off your back right away. If playing as Claire, she can hide in the Chief’s Office. Other safe rooms include other save spots (except the Main Hall! Do not try and hide in the Main Hall!), the STARS Office, and the Clock Tower room. Knowing the map and exactly where you’re headed or where the next safe room is will be the difference between life and death.

Flash Grenades

When Mr. X first shows up, it’s worthwhile to always have at least one flash grenade equipped at all times. This will ensure easy escape in tighter spaces when he shows up, especially if he’s charging at you and there’s nothing but a dead end in the other direction. A well-placed flash grenade will slow him down for a good while, but less than a minute, so use that time to walk out of there. Passing through several doorways is also a great way to lose him too, which will trigger his tireless search for you once more. This is also a great tool to use if there’s more than one enemy in the room as well. For instance, if you’ve got lickers and Mr. X coming after you, a flash grenade is necessary to keep from having to use health items.

We hope these tips have helped you with your troublesome Tyrant encounters. Always remember that ammo and health should be used against enemies that can be killed, but if necessary, using them against Mr. X does work to slow him down. You’ll also encounter him differently as Leon and as Claire. Leon generally deals with him much more than Claire does, but she has her own troubles (G monster) that she has to deal with.