Can’t sneak past all the police?

Thanks to their relationship with the police chief of Delos Crossing, Alyson and Tyler seem to have free reign around town and within the police station. Of course, there are limits though, and they begin testing them in Tell Me Why: Chapter 2. As they start to dig deeper into the history of their family, discovering long hidden secrets along the way, they push these boundaries to the extreme as they try to sneak into various rooms they’re not allowed in. And the most important room is hidden away upstairs. But there’s tons of police watching them and they need some tricks to get there. Here’s how to get upstairs in the police station in Tell Me Why Chapter 2.

How to Get Upstairs

As you explore the office area of the police station you might expect to stumble across some item or other option to distract the police. That’s not the answer, but you’re on the right track. Before we spoil this stage of the game, know that the answer is found inside the police station and isn’t actually all that hidden. If you want to remain pure in your Tell Me Why game just keep looking around, possibly in areas you previously walked right by, and you might find out how to get upstairs. For those still lost, here’s the solution.

In the entryway to the police station you want to turn right from the main entrance. You probably walked through here earlier without a second thought, but this is the key to getting upstairs. On the wall here is a map, showing the police station as a whole. Alyson and Tyler can use this to determine there is a fire exit leading to a set of stairs outside. Now all they need to do is create a distraction.

Head back into the office area and turn left to see a stack of folders and paperwork on a chair. Interact with it to topple it over and Alyson can slip upstairs. Then just head outside and around to the side of the building to see the stairs where Alyson can let you in. And that’s how to get upstairs in the police station in Tell Me Why Chapter 2. From there you’re good to go for accessing the archives and learning more about your past.

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Tell Me Why Chapter 2 – How to Get Upstairs in the Police Station

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