Telegram has started to roll out its latest monthly update for Android and iOS devices, adding a myriad of new features for users. Amongst these, some significant features include protected content in groups and channels, deleting messages by date, log in via calls, and many others. So, let’s take a quick look at the new Telegram features included in the latest update.

Protected Content in Groups and Channels

Starting with the protected content feature, it aims to help creators and channel admins protect their media and posts in groups and channels. With this feature, group and channel owners can now restrict their content to group or channel members only, prevent message forwarding and screenshots, and disable the ability to save media from posts.

The Delete Message by Date feature lets users delete multiple messages that were sent during a certain period in one-on-one chats. It aims to give users complete control over their digital footprint on Telegram by being able to clear chat history from a specific day or date range.

Log In Via Call

With the latest update, Telegram is adding a new way for users to log in to their accounts. So, instead of getting a One-Time Password (OTP) via SMS to log in, some devices will receive a login call from Telegram. Users will then need to enter the last few digits of the phone number that called them to log into their account.

Live Text is something that Apple added in iOS 15 for compatible devices. So, with this update, Telegram has enabled Text Recognition on its platform to let users select, copy, and search texts in sent or received images.

Apart from the above features, Telegram added several other features like responses to join requests, anonymous posting in public groups, and the ability to manage connected devices via the Telegram mobile app on Android and iOS. Plus, the Russia-based messaging giant added global chat themes, which were already live for iOS users with the previous update, for Android devices.
