After recently adding a number of features such as adding interactive emojis, improved navigation, and other changes, Telegram has now started rolling out even more new features with its latest v8.6 update. These include a new download manager, support for third-party live-streaming apps, and more. So, let’s take a closer look at the new Telegram features that aim to improve the user experience of professional creators as well as general users.

Support for Third-Party Live-Streaming Apps

This is a key feature of the latest update. People on Telegram can now use third-party live-streaming apps like OBS and XSplit to broadcast live streams in groups and channel. Users can now add overlays and multi-screen layouts via the above streaming apps to turn their Telegram group or channel into a live TV station for their audience.

To start streaming with third-party apps, you can start a live video chat on a group or a live stream on your channel and tap on the new “Start with” button to acquire your server URL and key. Copy these details and paste them onto your desired broadcasting tool to start streaming on Telegram. It is worth mentioning that your group members or channel audience need to update their Telegram app to the latest version to watch your stream.

With the new Download Manager, Telegram now has a dedicated “Downloads” tab to help users better manage their downloads. So now, when you download something from a chat or a group on Telegram, you will see a new “downloading” icon in the search bar of the home screen. Tapping this icon will take you to the dedicated Downloads tab, containing all your active and existing downloads.

On this page, you can long-press an active download to raise its priority and download it faster than the other files downloading simultaneously. Furthermore, you can select the “Clear all” button on the page to clear your Downloads tab, removing all your previous downloads.

Telegram users can create customized links to easily share their Telegram profiles without sharing their phone numbers. However, if you do not want to share your username with these links, you can create links with your phone numbers, like (in international format), to enable other Telegram users to instantly open a chat window with you. Naturally, the feature works only if you enable others to find you by your phone number from your Privacy Settings on the platform.

Other than this, Telegram has also updated the pages that allow other users to preview your profile, posts, or channel on a web client. These pages now come with chat backgrounds and new design elements from the fully-featured web client of the platform.

Telegram has updated its attachment menu on iOS, making it similar to the Android version. So now, you will find the in-app camera option integrated within the attachment page on iOS along with a new navigation bar to access photos, files, contact, and location-sharing options. Furthermore, if you select multiple photos to send to a recipient, you will now be able to preview how they will look in the chat and rearrange them as per your choice.

On Android, Telegram has added a semi-transparent UI for chats and other pages to make the platform more visually impressive. Users will now see their chats and media shine through headers and footers on various pages while the dark mode is on. This design element is already enjoyed by iOS users.

Other than this, Telegram has updated the animations of the login flow on Android and macOS. On Android, you will now see the digits from your login code slide into their places, delivering a smoother visual experience. On macOS, you will now see the Matrix code fall in the QR code login screen, which looks pretty dope. You can check it out in the short GIF attached below.