Telegram has enhanced the video capabilities of its secure messaging app in the latest update. With this update, you can invite up to 1000 viewers in group video calls, send/ receive superior quality video messages, adjust the playback speed controls in videos, and more.

When Telegram launched group video calls earlier this year, the capacity was capped at 30 users. While the limit to broadcast video is still capped at 30 users, a total of 1000 people can join the video call as a viewer. That essentially means you can have 30 participants and 970 spectators in a video call. It sounds like a good feature to organize a Netflix watch party or your favorite streaming app.

Moreover, Telegram has brought screen sharing to 1-on-1 calls. The best part? It includes sound from your device. To share your screen, press the camera button and choose ‘Phone screen’ as the video source. The GIF attached below should give you a good idea of how the feature works.