Messaging app Telegram has got a new update, which adds a number of new features for users. The list includes Infinite Reactions, Emoji Statuses, an improved login process, and much more. Here’s a look at the details.

Starting off, the Telegram app provides access to infinite reactions, even the ones that were previously available for Premium users. For this, the Reaction panel has been revamped; it is now expandable and includes the frequently used emojis at the top.

Premium users can select the infinite options available to make their custom emojis. Plus, a user can now react using three emojis per message.

Telegram has also announced new username links in the format “” This will easily allow users to share their profiles with emphasis on their names. Logging in has also been made easy as users will now receive login codes via email, or while signing in via Apple ID or Google ID. The login process on iOS now includes new UI and animations.

Telegram now lets Android users prioritize downloads in the “Downloads” section to better manage them. This can be done by holding and pressing the ongoing download the rearranging the order. There also will be new animations for opening, closing, and changing media on Android. Additionally, those using Android 13 can get the new Material You-themed Telegram app icon, much like the WhatsApp icon that is being tested.