First up, Telegram is improving the search feature with the addition of search filters, which were just recently added to WhatsApp last month. With the new search filters, you can find the items you are looking for based on their type. The available search filters include Chats, Media, Links, Files, Music, and Voice Messages. Image: Telegram

To protect the privacy of group admins, Telegram now offers the option to let admins stay anonymous. In other words, you won’t see the admin tag appear next to a user’s profile when this mode is enabled. More importantly, the messages sent by anonymized admins will have the group’s name instead of their own name tag. Image: Telegram

Apart from these key features, the latest Telegram update improves the animations for the Android app. The new animations can be experienced when you expand the keyboard and switch themes. There are also new animated popups when you perform various activities, such as deleting messages, changing notifications, and saving media. Image: Telegram