Upcoming drama series, The Morning Show, has had its first teaser trailer released, courtesy of Apple. Starring Steve Carell, Reese Witherspoon, and Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show is described as an inside look at the lives of the people who help America wake up in the morning.

Being a teaser, the trailer doesn’t show us much at all, in fact, we don’t actually get to see any acting from the stars, instead, we are treated to dialogue from the actors as the camera pans around different parts of the studio. Hopefully, a full trailer will be released shortly to give us a better look.

I found the teaser trailer to be pretty effective in that it actually got me interested in a show I’ll admit to you I hadn’t heard of before today. Many trailers are guilty of giving too much away too soon and, so far, The Morning Show hasn’t been guilty of this sin.

Have a watch of the teaser and judge for yourselves:

The first two series were announced in 2017 with filming wrapping up in May of this year, after 7 months. Aniston and Witherspoon will have a vested interest in the show as the two are executive producers, as well as leads.

It’s getting pretty difficult to keep up to date with all the streaming services that are available or coming soon. Hopefully, with so many options on the market, we will see companies strive to bring us the best quality, original programming possible so that they can to win our hard-earned money.

Apple TV plus is slated to launch in September of this year and according to Apple CEO Tim Cook, it will be unlike anything that’s come before.