Our Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Best Items Guide takes a look at the top item selections in the game! These are going to be your generally best picks overall when it comes to adding them to your carry champions. This is more of a general look at the items you will most likely be creating. If an item didn’t make the list, that doesn’t mean that it’s bad, it just might require a very particular build.
Best TFT Items List
These items are in no particular order, and largely have synergies with each other! For a full list of the items, check out this post here.
Dragon’s Claw
Recipe: Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
Dragon’s Claw is another of the great defensive weapons that will keep your champions up long enough to dish out their damage or survive to tank other champions. If there are a lot of magic based builds in the game, you’ll start to see a lot more of the claw floating around.
Best Champions for Dragon’s Claw
Akali, Shen, Aatrox, Garen, Darius, Poppy, Sejuani, Braum, and Kassadin.
Recipe: B.F. Sword + Negatron Cloak
One of the best items to add to a champion who deals a high amount of auto-attack damage. This is currently the signature item of Draven, and what keeps him on the board long enough to destroy enemy teams by himself.
Best Champions for Bloodthirster
Zed, Rengar, Fiora, Draven, and Nidalee.
Guardian Angel
Recipe: B.F. Sword + Chain Vest
When your opponent finally breathes a sigh of relief after killing one of your important champions, they will then no the frustration of it being revived because of Guardian Angel. Great item for placing on champions that are important to get back in the fray.
Best Champions for Guardian Angel
Rengar, Shen, Aatrox, and Kennen.
Seraph’s Embrace
Recipe: Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess
This is a great item on heroes where you want them to be gaining mana as quickly as possible. This also starts your champion with a lot of initial mana, so they can cast their ability very soon after the round starts.
Best Champions for Seraph’s Embrace
Kha’zix, Evelynn, Akali, Yasuo, Cho’gath, Anivia, Miss Fortune, Veigar, Twisted Fate, and Karthus.
Recipe: Giant’s Belt + Needlessly Large Rod
Morellonomicon has been buffed and nerfed multiple times, but it still remains a popular item for any champion that has a big AOE or can hit multiple champions at a time.
Best Champions for Morellonomicon
Pyke, Katarina, Evelynn, Gangplank, Brand, Anivia, Sejuani, Miss Fortune, Varus, Swain, Ahri, and Karthus.
Rapid Firecannon
Recipe: Recurve Bow + Recurve Bow
Rapid Firecannon allows for a melee character to hit at a much further range, but more importantly it makes your attacks so they cannot be dodged! Hitting at range is important for melee characters when champions clump together, this can leave them without a way to deal damage.
Best Champions for Rapid Firecannon
Kha’zix, Zed, Rengar, Draven, Volibear, Brand, Ashe, Nidalee, Kassadin, and Aurelion Sol.
Spear of Shojin
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Recipe: B.F. Sword + Tear of the Goddess
One of the best items for champions that rely heavily on their ability. This will help them gather up mana a lot faster, which allows them to fire off abilities much quicker.
Best Champions for Spear of Shojin
Pyke, Rek’sai, Blitzcrank, Kayle, Leona, Varus, Lulu, and Aurelion Sol.
Phantom Dancer
Recipe: Recurve Bow + Chain Vest
Phantom Dancer is a great defensive tool that protects you from champions with high damage critical hit abilities and attacks. It was apparently only working against auto-attacks, but now guards against critical strikes from abilities.
Best Champions for Phantom Dancer
Rek’sai, Garen, Poppy, Kindred, Shyvana, and Gnar.