As an Australian, I’ve developed an extremely healthy fear of spiders — which is why this week’s Tavern Brawl initially alarmed me.

Spiders have overrun everything, including your deck! Whatever class you play, your deck will be TEEMING with Webspinners!

Cue horrified flashbacks to the time a family dog found a nest of poisonous redback spiders in the backyard.

Luckily, Webspinners are harmless, adorable little scamps, whom anybody would be happy to see hanging out in a corner. Costing only a single mana crystal, their deathrattle puts a random Beast card into your hand. True to form, every deck choice in Tavern Brawl is littered with Webspinners. Players receive a handful of randomized class cards for their chosen hero, while the rest of their deck will comprise of Webspinners.

As you might have guessed, each round is filled with RNG chaos, allowing for a lot of big, scary monsters and sudden reversals. That doesn’t mean that it’s without strategy. Cards like Starving Buzzard, Tundra Rhino, and Scavenging Hyena are very strong in this format, as is any form of silence — such as the Ironbeak Owl, which all players can potentially access. The priest spell, Mass Dispel, if drawn, lives up to its card description in terms of shattering the hopes and dreams of any player with a board full of Webspinners.

The randomized nature of this week’s Tavern Brawl makes it a great gateway drug for anybody who has been thinking of trying Hearthstone but has been daunted by their lack of cards. It’s also a fun way to level classes that you have yet to try.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Tavern Brawl Gets Creepy and Crawly This Week

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